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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,908

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 15th April 2017, 9:13 AM

I thought Australia was much harder to get into these days to stop that sort of thing.

I've not been there a few years, but I think that a Brit under 50, who can speak a bit of English and show any experience in just about any sector can apply for a "skilled" visa leading to permanent residency, leading to benefits galore. I know one repulsive specimen from Birmingham, who did a couple of years of truck driving and then claimed to have a bad back, now works in Southeast Asia (when not off his head on drugs and booze), collecting Australian benefits, has had a couple of kids and gets full benefits for them too, and a housing benefit. He has some Irish chums who do the same thing. If a payment is late or questioned, they raise hell and moan as if they are victims. Australia could be a little more strict in monitoring these seasoned welfare cheats.

That damn clown's got me spooked.


Quote: Kenneth @ 15th April 2017, 11:40 AM

I've not been there a few years, but I think that a Brit under 50, who can speak a bit of English and show any experience in just about any sector can apply for a "skilled" visa leading to permanent residency, leading to benefits galore. I know one repulsive specimen from Birmingham, who did a couple of years of truck driving and then claimed to have a bad back, now works in Southeast Asia (when not off his head on drugs and booze), collecting Australian benefits, has had a couple of kids and gets full benefits for them too, and a housing benefit. He has some Irish chums who do the same thing. If a payment is late or questioned, they raise hell and moan as if they are victims. Australia could be a little more strict in monitoring these seasoned welfare cheats.

And there was me thinking it was only the ultra soft UK that was victim to these cretins. In a weird way that makes me feel happier.

Ok. Kim Jong is a madman, but you don't deal with madmen by threatening them. Thanks to thick Trump we may well all be f**ked - because of his ego. I say again (and no apologies for shocking anybody) it's time somebody took him out.

Quote: keewik @ 16th April 2017, 12:09 AM

it's time somebody took him out....

...for a quiet meal and a few stern words of advice. (nothing to see here secret service :D)

Within a few months he's soured US relations with Russia that seemed to have been forging well during the Obama years and dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb. It's posturing of the most arrogant kind and I'm amazed he's getting away with it. The regime in North Korea is barbaric and the idea of widespread poverty and generals being shot with anti aircraft guns is obscene but I don't understand the rules on which countries can and can't develop nuclear weapons. Do they have to join the UN or just allow inspections of the nuclear facilities and compounds? (I didn't need to include the word compound then but I really like it)

Trump is the kind of person who has to be the centre of attention everywhere he goes and he can't be like that as president.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 15th April 2017, 6:54 AM

You can't 'slap the wrist' of a tyrant as a warning and expect it to have any effect other than total retaliation, but if the ego is larger than the intellect, then you have a molotov cocktail of a brain that has no business being in any position of power because it's far too dangerous.

What a pity they caught that Jakubowski bloke . . . he could have brought about some serious damage limitation.

They should never have gone after the bloke who could have dispensed with him, and could have turned a blind eye, but they didn't.

The only hope we have now is for impeachment because he does actually release his tax documents and incriminates himself, or most likely he doesn't which incriminates himself by clearly having a lot to hide.

But that all takes time - and in meantime it will take just one more tantrum . . .

I was horrified when he was elected, but even more horrified now that I wasn't wrong.

A new term for his supporters now - lemmings, but evil lemmings, as they will be taking everyone else with them when they jump off the cliff.

Okay, they were lied to, being promised jobs and 'draining the swamp' by putting americans first rather than getting involved in other countries' issues and 'policing the world', but this guy also wanted to build a big, beautiful 2000 mile long wall - and if that wasn't implausible enough in itself . . . he was going to get another country to pay for it. What part of that exactly wasn't completely batshit crazy? What part of that didn't you understand so needed explained to you that the guy is actually a raving lunatic?

So their reward for believing his bullshit is having him turn his back on them altogether and take care of his own needs in the form of posturing to other countries that his dick is bigger than their dick and to hell with the consequences. Who knows - maybe he knows the truth is about to rear its ugly head about his dodgy deals that would get him booted out of the job anyway so he's being ruthless for that reason - but I am just so angry that his dunderhead supporters got him there in the first place that if there were pro-trump people in the street here like they have over there, I think I would lose it and blow my stack at them, and ask them what the holy hell made them think that he wouldn't continue to see himself as James Bond in this role? He's a player, and always has been, only this isn't fiction - but he only exists on planet Trump so fiction could be his reality . . .

. . . and to use his words - 'tremendous, fantastic job, people' . . . as your fate now lies in the hands of a man that during a formal interview, after he'd dropped bombs on it couldn't even remember which country it was, choosing instead to recall and share, in some detail, information on "the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen".

Are you Trump haters of the opinion that he does what he does of his own volition?
That he is not advised and not in contact with any other world governments.

Maybe you are privy to this information and I am being naive...maybe not.

We'd all like a nice peaceful world where everyone gets along - but that has never happened and never will.
And you are wrong about threatening a madman/bully making the situation worse.
Give them a fat lip and they think twice about anymore.

Trump is doing the job he was elected to do (he's only been doing it two minutes - give him a chance)
and so far, he has stood up to the tyrants.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 16th April 2017, 9:35 AM

Trump is doing the job he was elected to do (he's only been doing it two minutes - give him a chance)

Quote: fopdoodle @ 14th April 2017, 9:50 PM

. . . by cultivating mass hysteria which is a form of grooming I suppose, and once they've been recruited, that's it . . . they're gone.

. . . and there's another.

But we have to keep laughing in the face of deluded people and scoff at the fat controller that made them this way . . . and it's only so funny 'cos it's so spot on:

. . . as one person leaving a comment observed: "The only thing Trump has made great again is Saturday Night Live".

HUGE respect for Theresa May . . . I thought she may even be resigning when it was announced that she would be making a statement this morning given recent events, but I feel I have been wrong about her generally.

I may also be wrong about my interpretation of her motives, but my gut reaction is that she is showing us a little peek at the fact that she does have bollocks, and is a little tired of the fact that she is not taken seriously as a leader because she was not elected.

Corbyn, I believe, does have the interests of the country at heart, but he is no leader. And I had my doubts about May, but perhaps she has more potential leadership qualities than she was given credit for.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 18th April 2017, 12:33 PM

she is showing us a little peek at the fact that she does have bollocks

Bai Jove! Rather than giving us a peek at her bollocks, surely you could have phrased that better. In my day, if we wanted to praise a politician's courage, we would say they have plenty of spunk. Much more polite.

Now what did she have to go and do that for. Just about settled down to some proper news, but on TV this lunch time, on every f**king channel there's some shit poncing their opinion culminating with The Pest pulling himself off in his trousers.

On the brighter side, in other news, I can once again catch up on saved progs. on my digi-box and continue with even more box sets - there's no way I am going to suffer every f**king Tom, Dick and Harriet giving me their view from now until June and beyond.

I might slit my wrists tonight.

If the calendar had gone backwards when Eric Morecambe died and then gone forward again at the end of the second world war, it would now be 1949 and there wouldn't be a general election because there wasn't one in 1949.

That's useful to know.

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