Quote: DaButt @ 14th April 2017, 1:58 PMPoking a hornet's nest is the best way to kill hornets. Other than spraying them with chemicals that is, but given recent events in Syria that would be a bit hypocritical.
The ISIS = hornets analogy falls down because of Francesco Redi's Theory of Malicious Natural Disposition in Insects being disproved by Lamarckian Evolution, which itself was disproved by Charles Darwin, only for Mitochondrial Wahhabism to have been proven as a bipolarity beyond question. You can, of course, at least reason with a hornet.
I always found smoke and diesel to be good killers of such insects. Although Australia doesn't have true hornets. We only have:
Local wasps, which are small and potentially aggressive;
Much larger, orange "hornets" (actually mud-nest wasps), which are very passive and I've never known them to sting; and
European wasps, the yellow-jacket-like bastards (which are a menace, mainly because they kill native bees).
To pacify a wasp nest and its inhabitants, I always used a rolled up newspaper, alight and smoking at the top. They didn't like the smoke and it was much swifter than a stinky insecticide. This was only for those that nested neath the eaves of a house or shed.
"Hornets" (mud-nest wasps), never needed pacifying.
European wasps could be trapped and drowned in hanging bottles of sugar water, but the trick was to find their subterranean nest, pour in some diesel, make a diesel (or petrol) trail and light it.
As for Islamic fundamentalists, just a few simple home truths are all that's required. Just gently explain that all religion is a pile of invented shit. Then they can return to tribal feuding, which needs no religion. Whereas a wasp will only kill its own kind when a queen's dynasty has worn out its welcome and requires regime change for the good of the hive.
Here we can see an innocent nashi pear (pyrus pyrifolia) under attack by a group of terrorist European wasps.