Quote: Charley @ March 5, 2008, 1:42 AM*
Saves me taking my leather trousers down in Oxfam.
You could get arrested for that.
Quote: Charley @ March 5, 2008, 1:42 AM*
Saves me taking my leather trousers down in Oxfam.
You could get arrested for that.
You are on form tonight. Bodyform. (Thats a sany pad Dave).
Quote: Charley @ March 5, 2008, 1:49 AM
You are on form tonight. Bodyform. (Thats a sany pad Dave).
I thought you never used them you dirty c**t.
I'm still awake
Heights, spiders, and drunken people who are very loud make me very nervous.
Quote: Curt @ March 5, 2008, 1:37 AMextreme heights. Like being at the top of the CN Tower.
You wimp! I went up there, I dunno, a good 10 years or so ago (I'm 20). Nothing scary at all!
Heights are only scary if you're not connected to the ground. Therefore tall buildings are okay, but a hot air balloon is not. Unless it's still tethered, then it's okay.
When I was 7 there was this crane at the fair that lifted people up about 30 feet in a cage thing. Everyone laughed at me cos I dropped to the floor and lay spread eagled and they couldn't get me up cos I wouldn't let go of the bars
I would probably still react the same way, I hate heights full stop!
Aw! Well, it's sensible to be scared of things which can kill you.
Rather than bananas... (which one person I used to know had a phobia of.)
But how the hell does someone develop a phobia for bananas?
There was someone on the telly a few years ago with a baked bean phobia.
My conference tomorrow I don't really know the collegiate girls all that well, and I don't know how to last a whole day without saying something stupid...
AND! having to pick which university I wanna go to...
Oooh exciting!
I'm thinking about unis for next year (post graduate). It's all fun at this stage though, no interviews or meetings to worry about.
You'll be ok!
Im worried All the places that run good English courses according to the league tables are SO far away, and I'm not sure how ready I am to totally leave home yet-as strange as that sounds!
Aw. Well it'd only be for 3 years. You can always go back after!
I barely last 3 days!