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Inside No. 9 - Series 3 Page 9

Quote: Davida Grimes @ 18th March 2017, 12:06 AM

For the hare? Yeah, I see it. I can't not see it now. It sticks out like a sore thumb. It was too easy to find in the most recent episode. Not that I'm complaining.

Sidenote: Adam Tandy (Inside No 9's producer) tipped me off to the existence of a new netflix type service that offers BBC and ITV content to people outside the UK called Britbox today. Looks excellent, and S1 of No9 is up on it already.

Let's hope C4 is on there too. In the meantime I might as well post the two other screen grabs I took in case the penny still did not drop. :D


Johnny Vegas holding it:-


I forgot to mention that Reece said they only put the hare in for their own amusement and were surprised that some anally retentive people (Hmm, do I know anyone like that? Whistling nnocently ) started to notice it after the 4th/5th episode.

I'd have never noticed it if they hadn't mentioned it on the S2 commentaries. But point taken :P

Quote: Davida Grimes @ 16th March 2017, 7:14 PM

Also I searched #thelostshoe on twitter and found a picture from 2015 of pretty much that exact black slip on leather shoe, except the caption was in arabic and translated to something like. "Finally solved. #thelostshoe. Much drama." In Arabic. I think I might be losing my mind.


I'm not sure which is more awesome, that the producers/writers made that post 2 years ago for you to find it, that they saw it somehow and used it as inspiration, or that it's a phenomenal coincidence.

Hugely enjoyable episode, best of the series (and that's hard for me, as a Xword fan, to admit). I agree that he killed the girl, it fits the "together" line and explains wet blood. he may have killed Norfolk man, but more likely he just acted unhinged, and maybe hit him - that woud allow him to call the police out of concern and tell them what address to go to. Whether or not he was responsible for the death of the other twin, I don't know - it gives the story depth, but I didn't see anything to indicate this for certain.

Another query: if he was wearing the shoe when the photo was taken with the newborns 6 years before, how come it was so well preserved all that time later? Maybe he just has lots of shoes.

Best moment, when Norfolk man was turning back for his last comment when he picked up the shoe, he was split perfectly in helf by the wall :)

Presumably the episode took place in Suffolk (or possibly Cambs), which is doubtless entirely irrelevant, but thought I'd mention it anyway.:P

There were a couple of lines that I saw as a possible hints about the circumstances of the son's death. He was saying something like "But we don't know what happened to the shoe, do we? It could have be a man with Alzheimer's maybe out for a stroll and left it, or maybe kids dressing up, perhaps penny for the guy" which kind of links up with his own memory problems and the possibility that his mental state led to some kind of negligance in an incident around bonfire night that ended up getting the son killed. Like he's trying to remember what really happened but is repressing it and the wife says "it doesn't matter who left the f**king shoe!" Or whatever, which I saw as her kind of acknowledging that it was him who caused the boy to die/put the shoe out but that she felt defeated at that point and just wants him to forget about it and move on. I'm probably projecting, but it just seems like the worst case scenario (him having killed all 3) is the most symmetrical, bringing together both pairs. But then again "it's was never really about the shoe, was it"... I think it's definitely plausible that he didn't kill the shoe guy and just had an altercation leading to him calling the police as you said, and the evidence for the son is pretty thin. Maybe I just want it to be darker than it really is.

As far as the shoe still being new years later, I thought of it as like him getting stuck in the past whenever the incident was and so the things in his life as they were then don't really age. Time doesn't pass in a normal way in his subjective experience. But the girl and mother age. He's in his own little time bubble. Or something.

Wow. That was...I don't even know yet. I don't know what to say. I hope you all watched it. I need to watch it again. No spoilers just yet.

So. Definitely the funniest episode for some time, some cracking lines, overall certainly one of my favourites. My only quibble is the ending - how?

I don't know!...still processing!

It was great though.

Loooooved the end of that.

This is the first time I really tried to find the hare and I failed miserably!

Loved the whole episode, until the last thirty seconds, did I miss something? Admittedly my telly was playing up a bit so I might have missed a snatch of dialogue, but wasn't he secured to the chair?

Reece, you sneaky psycho magician, you!

I didn't spot the hare either. I will though!

Fiona Shaw was the standout, will have to watch again just for all the zingers she was given!

Loved all the Kenneth Williams puns.

This ep especially felt like classic League of Gents style.

Theories on the ending, anyone?

I'll definitely have to watch it again first!

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