Saturday 4th March 2017 6:10pm [Edited]
2,720 posts
I fear we're in danger of getting greyed out here, we're only tangentially connected to the show now. 
Nix is right for the second, well done both of you. N is number and IX is 9, and there's nothing inside - it's just NIX. Crap clue, but I did it to introduce the technique necessary for the other: you'll need to consider what's inside N and IX to solve the clue. I must point out that the answer is nothing to do with the show, but I felt the surface* was a relfection of the devious, confusing plotting of the best stuff the writers come up with.
*For those of you new to the cruciverbal game, the "surface" is what it looks as though the clue is saying. For example, the clue "Food lovers go at half four to M&S", which looks as though it's describing people going to pick up reduced sandwiches after work, or something, but is actually clueing gourmands (GO + foUR + M AND S).