Sunday 19th February 2017 10:44pm
35,981 posts
Quote: LoopyTheClown @ 19th February 2017, 10:08 PM
And people who add a K on the end of everything. Such as everythingk, somethingk, nothingk etc.
Also people who don't know the difference between woman and women.
My girlfriend from New Zealand couldn't actually say Women (Wimmin) and it always sounded like Woman.
Strange when you think that the difference in spelling is in the second syllable but the pronunciation is different in the first syllable.
Quote: paulted @ 19th February 2017, 10:25 PM
Notice also, newsreaders(and others who should know better) pronounce the word SIXTH as SICTH.
Don't even get me started on on "febuary" or "could of".........
"Could of" pisses me off soooo much. Also of course when you say something and they reply "Is it?"
We ain't f**king French N'est pas?