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BCG Fantasy Premier League 2016/17 Page 12

Good December for The Beat Alls, 350 points. Highest score of the month.

Gerry's still a big favourite, but I'm the "Momentum Man".

Joint top scorer this last week.................which was nice. :)

Wasn't that long ago that week in week out I could not get within 75 points of Gerry, BUT NOW am only 49 behind. Pirate

It's extremely tough to win the league. Look at the final Overall Rank of former champions.

Steve 2016 - 10,125
Don 2015 - 17,877
Steve 2014 - 2,696
Gerry 2013 - 710

A very high standard indeed.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 5th January 2017, 11:15 AM

Joint top scorer this last week.................which was nice. :)

Wasn't that long ago that week in week out I could not get within 75 points of Gerry, BUT NOW am only 49 behind. Pirate

Is that it? All that fuss on the other page and now it's so unimportant to you that you can't be bothered to acknowledge my post?

Quote: don rushmore @ 5th January 2017, 1:37 AM

Good December for The Beat Alls, 350 points. Highest score of the month.

Gerry's still a big favourite, but I'm the "Momentum Man".

Let's not forget that The BeatAlls split acrimoniously and one of their principal songwriters was shot in a hotel lobby.

The other went on to write the Frog Chorus.

"Momentum Man" went straight to video. (And that was in the DVD era Laughing out loud)

Interesting developments in the Clique this week..

Ross keeping very quiet;
Don playing his usual cards-close-to-his-chest one-minute-before-deadline transfers strategy;
Steve on a minus 12 points hit;
Much changing of some team values/cash with 0 gameweek transfers registered;

Wildcard(s) ahoy!

Ross likely doesn't have internet access at the moment. Don't forget he lives in a static caravan in the valleys and he's probably snowed in.

Don doesn't have any cards. The only reason I can feel his Christmas cologne destroying the hairs on the back of my neck is because I got no captain points this week - the only person in the clique who didn't.

He was dead and buried until he captained Sanchez in GW14 and got 46 points from one player. My total was almost the same as him that week and I didn't even have Sanchez. His strategy has been the same for four years: don't sell. Keep players long after their form and good fixtures expire. Eventually you catch a break and are the only player holding them when they unexpectedly get a massive haul.

Gerry's strategy is to buy as many players out of position as he can. But he's consistent, and he doesn't make many mistakes - if any. Passing him is a tall order. I'm very happy to have taken fifteen points off his lead over the last two weeks - especially playing without a keeper and getting no captains points last time, as I said.


Quote: Godot Taxis @ 5th January 2017, 7:02 PM

Is that it? All that fuss on the other page and now it's so unimportant to you that you can't be bothered to acknowledge my post?

Well you did say "so best to ignore what I wrote" and after reading your explanation my brain hurt so took your advice.

Have now read it all again and yes, I can see it all're talking a load of bollocks both in the original post and follow up. But I do appreciate your efforts, so thank you for that. :)

Is it possible you can devise some sort of signalling so that we can understand when you really mean someone is a c**t or you do like them?............................Is there such a thing as a c**t emoticon?

No, only the original post about the average score was bollocks. The subsequent post was an attempt to wake people up. It's not really about calling people a c**t. I like everybody on here - ish. It's probably best understood as a prompt, a reminder that this is a comedy forum. Presented as a bit of stand-up.

Also, having thought about it a bit I've realised that there aren't actually many writers in the clique - two - three? So, it's not surprising that it's much harder to get any banter going here than elsewhere in the forum.

I would write much more but it seems pointless when no-one laughs or even acknowledges your posts. It's like talking to a mentally ill person. I'm thinking of taking my love away.

Quote: don rushmore @ 6th January 2017, 1:58 AM


Sleeping Don? What happened to all that momentum?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 6th January 2017, 3:55 PM

No, only the original post about the average score was bollocks. The subsequent post was an attempt to wake people up.

And taken from that post of yours that I have read again..............................

"Hope that helps" does actually and can see where you are coming from and why you find it frustrating, but you have to remember that not everyone is going to find your sense of humour the same as theirs and even if they did wouldn't necessarily feel obliged to say something or comment as I have found since joining this site.

I have posted things that I thought at the time were devastatingly funny but not a titter in return and then I see other people's posts that leave me for dead and they get mucho respondo, and if you naffly insert a LOL emoticon people (Don) think you are a witless c**t, which has a fair amount of truth in it; but sometimes you insert one just to say in effect, "Well somebody f**king say something!!!!"

I enjoy your posts and have said so in the past so don't give up, but I'll be f**ked if I am going to preen you after every post. :P

I do know a good fluffer though if you are desperate, and don't mind a fat hairy man.

So here it is Friday and my usual day for decisions, Ibrahimovic doubtful, so who do I go for - Kane or Costa? Costa or Kane? Hmmm, and what do I pick? F**king Costa who has now costa me 4 points to get Kane instead on Saturday morning after it was announced that Costa had thrown his toys out of the pram..............................

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Wild Card is the sun. :D
(Except so far not making Kane captain Grrrrrrrrrr)

And I now see that some of the BCG Fantasy Elders are still playing Ibrahimovic and Costa., and some of them both, aren't they Godot. Whistling nnocently

Herc up to 2nd tonight - Gerry still top - the Beat-Alls have split up - Stokemon Gone. Don't choke Gerry.

Quote: SSTT @ 14th January 2017, 11:19 PM

- Stokemon Gone.

Tell me about it
I only checked the table today. I had no idea I was doing quite that badly

Just goes to show that even if you are a genius at the game
If you don't bother looking at who's playing or what;s going on it can be detrimental to your chances

It was only perchance I heard on the Beeb news Sat. morn that Costa wasn't going to play, BUT f**k (!!!! Angry ) if only I had picked Kane as Triple captain (as if I would with his record of late) he would have given me 51 points which is more than I get some weeks for the entire team. :(

And yes, as I said before - could not get within 75 of Gerry for weeks on end. Last week cut it back to 49 and now it is 27. All to play for. Pirate
But you know what happens when you mention these things - Mr Sod's Law kicks in. Teary

I'm going to ignore the 21 points left on my bench, pretend the Benik Afobe "experiment" was a good idea and say that I had a good game week.

Tell you what though, someone else looks back to their Fantasy Football best...


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