Tuesday 4th March 2008 3:11am
4,203 posts
Quote: ContainsNuts @ March 3, 2008, 10:04 PM
Just out of interest, during this period what percentage of that time are you working on the script? I took months to plan a pilot because I was working 9am-6pm everyday and doing an hour every other day and then full weekends. 
Then I read a book and replanned everything again!
Er, the planning was an hour or a day throughout December 06.
That's from nothing to characters, set ups, jobs, age, relationships, and a basic plot.
Then I started writing - again a few hours a day (well, evening as I have a full time job) from Jan to April - with that came extensive replanning as I essentially wrote the first two episodes. So those 4-5 months yielded two episodes.
In that same December I also planned another sitcom from scratch, and wrote that. So looking back I got 2 pilots planned and written, and a second episode taking shape with loads of material in those 4 months.
Is that productive? Looking back, it seems it.