Nuclear Armageddon can't come soon enough tbh
I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,839
Quote: sootyj @ 27th July 2016, 1:07 PM BSTGang of Muslims storm nudist pool in Germany yelling 'Allahu Akbar' and threatening to 'exterminate' women for being 'sluts'
Six men in their 20s burst into Geldern pool in North Rhine-Westphalia area
The men were fluent in German and Arabic as they volleyed abusive threats
Bearded gang spat at women and children because they were in the nude
After harassing pool staff and customers, they targeted a water skiing park
By GARETH DAVIES FOR MAILONLINENudists were told they would be 'exterminated' after a gang of Muslims who stormed into a German swimming pool yelling 'Allahu Akbar'.
The six men, described as being in their 20s and with beards, spat at women and children because they were swimming in the nude and called all the females 'sluts'.
The revelers were at a pool in the town of Geldern in the North Rhine-Westphalia region, known for its preference for natural form of swimming.
The revelers were at a pool in the town of Geldern in the North Rhine-Westphalia region, known for its preference for natural form of swimming. Pictured here is one pool in the town, but it is known if this was where the incident happened
The revelers were at a pool in the town of Geldern in the North Rhine-Westphalia region, known for its preference for natural form of swimming. Pictured here is one pool in the town, but it is known if this was where the incident happened
Nudists were told they would be 'exterminated' after a gang of Muslims who stormed into a swimming pool yelling 'Allahu Akbar' in the town of Geldern (pictured here) in the North Rhine-Westphalia region
Nudists were told they would be 'exterminated' after a gang of Muslims who stormed into a swimming pool yelling 'Allahu Akbar' in the town of Geldern (pictured here) in the North Rhine-Westphalia regionOne of the nudists, a local mother, said: 'We (German) women are all sluts and they would exterminate all of us.'
She added the aggression made her 'really afraid' and according to according to other witnesses the men referred to the bathers as 'infidels', reports Breitbart.
The Muslim gang were fluent in German, but also threatened people in Arabic.
A staff member at the pool, Lisa-Marie Theunissen, told Junge Freiheit she asked the men to be quiet after her customers had complained.
It is understood the men then went to a water skiing facility where they abused more civilians and staff before they were chased out by one of the workers.
Life for German security guard who sexually abused and...
Migrants to be trained as German pool lifeguards to reduce...
Now a SECOND German state reports rise in mob sex attacks by...
Meanwhile the professional swimming association in Germany wants to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.
The Federal Association of German Swimming Professionals (BDS) says this would be 'an inclusive measure that would benefit everyone.'
Last month a secret police document was leaked in Duesseldorf voicing the 'grave concern' of police chiefs about escalating sex crimes carried out by refugees at public swimming baths.
A migrant was jumping from the diving board at Theresienbad pool (pictured above) when police came to arrest him with a man now sentenced to six years jail after sexually assaulting a girl at the facility
A migrant was jumping from the diving board at Theresienbad pool (pictured above) when police came to arrest him with a man now sentenced to six years jail after sexually assaulting a girl at the facilityBDS President Peter Haiyang added: 'We lack skilled workers. That's why it would be negligent not to use these resources.'
There have been several reports of rape and other sex attacks committed against women and children at public pools both in Germany and neighbouring Austria this year.
Many municipalities, including Munich, have begun displaying charts in numerous languages aiming to teach migrant to respect women and children at the local pool.
Sexually repressed young Muslim men have taken the sight of women in skimpy bathing costumes as an unspoken statement that they want sex, especially in Germany.
The idea of turning them into lifeguards responsible for security, order and cleanliness, water quality monitoring and maintenance of technical equipment would lead to a decrease in sex crimes, the group claims
Incredibly, BDS president Peter Harzheim claimed: 'Often it is the case that women feel sexually harassed by a group of migrants just because they look at them.
'Such situations could be disarmed faster' with migrants as pool attendants.'
The SPD, Greens and the Left Party in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state, support the proposal.'People with multilingualism can dispel misunderstandings faster', said Left Party spokesman ?-zlem Demirel.
And the SPD - Labour Party - state parliamentarian integration expert Ibrahim Yetim added: 'If there is a way to educate refugees to become lifeguards, that would be a great thing. It is important to give a perspective to the young refugees.'
But Cologne lifeguard chief Berthold Schmitt believes there is a 'fundamental problem' for refugees in 6,000 indoor andoutdoor and school swimming pools in Germany.
He said: 'The 'new people', as we call them, have three problems: they speak no German, have no knowledge of German or European bathing culture, and most cannot swim.'
At least 20 refugees are reported to have drowned in Germany this year.
That article got me thinking there's a pretty huge gulf between taking away people's human rights and ridiculous special pleading,
are you having some form of stuttering or something?
Quote: Chappers @ 27th July 2016, 11:53 PM BSTare you having some form of stuttering or something?
nope just posting a Daily Mail article as I know some people don't like to look them up.
I'm generous like that.
Quote: lofthouse @ 27th July 2016, 10:30 PM BSTNuclear Armageddon can't come soon enough tbh
Amen to that.
Quote: Ronald S @ 27th July 2016, 12:19 PM BSTThat's not what HGT said. If you take a life, yours and only your human rights are suspended. Not a whole nation.
And I agree with him and probably most rational people do too.
If they commit a terrorist related crime it's gruel and 24 hour lock-down.
They can chant allah akbar all they want alone in their cell.
And that..............
Quote: sootyj @ 28th July 2016, 6:45 AM BSTnope just posting a Daily Mail article as I know some people don't like to look them up.
I'm generous like that.
And they repeat everything two or three times to fill up the space?
Who knows
Quote: sootyj @ 28th July 2016, 9:37 PM BSTWho knows
Roger and Pete you mean. I never knew that.
Interview yesterday morning before the Bicycle race bollocks or whatever it was called -
BBC interviewer :"So they've closed off some of the roads"
Some cyclist twat in lycra : "Yes, won't it be great to have no cars and lorries on the road"
And they go and have not one but two crashes amongst themselves which closed off the road for an hour and caused many delays............
What a farce.
F**king cyclists, f**king nuisance, f**king danger to all and sundry.
The problem with cyclists (as road users) is like all minority groups - they have a tendency to perceive they are being badly treated even when they are not.
Cyclists do not have to take a compulsory test, pay no road tax or insurance, there is no MOT for road-using bicycles, no enforcement to wear a helmet and they are rarely stopped by police - even for serious offences - such as going though red lights - yet they always moan they are hard done by.
They use the roads for free with little or no regulation or accountability/responsibility placed upon them. Not good.
Keep death off the roads! Regulate road-using cyclists now!
Quote: Frankie Rage @ 1st August 2016, 12:54 PM BSTThe problem with cyclists (as road users) is like all minority groups - they have a tendency to perceive they are being badly treated even when they are not.
Cyclists do not have to take a compulsory test, pay no road tax or insurance, there is no MOT for road-using bicycles, no enforcement to wear a helmet and they are rarely stopped by police - even for serious offences - such as going though red lights - yet they always moan they are hard done by.
They use the roads for free with little or no regulation or accountability/responsibility placed upon them. Not good.
Keep death off the roads! Regulate road-using cyclists now!
And the f**king pavements! Selfish bastards!!!
£60,000 a year that you and I pay for through taxes for cutting someone's hair and then get a gong for it from a politician who failed to get the country behind him and so had to resign...................F**king joke and the sooner we have something different to the shit political system we have in this country the better. What a load of money grabbing wankers they all are.
Long live Guido Fawkes! Let's have a plebiscite!
Quote: Frankie Rage @ 1st August 2016, 12:54 PMno enforcement to wear a helmet and they are rarely stopped by police -
I remember the police once tried to stop me to give me a helmet and a fluorescent body warmer. I ignored them and just peddled past.
Live video of an idiot climbing Trump Tower in NYC. He's using suction cups. I assume he'll unfurl a banner sooner or later.

He looks quite cute! Hope he doesn't fall off.
I have to admit that image makes me question my heterosexuality but there is also the question that he is likely a total nutcase. Climbing buildings without permission is just not cricket and to do it wearing a rucksack makes him a complete nobhead. No matter how good his arms look.