Max Power Roadside Repairman appeared in Viz 20 odd years ago and I think only once,would any of you kind bods happen to know which issue?
An old couple had broken down on the side of the road with a minor problem,Max turns up and step by step gives their car a massive dose of wideboy upgrades,culminating in a massive stereo that causes them to melt,funniest piece ever.
Cheers from Australia.Craig.
Viz Comic Page 16
Quote: skidstar @ 14th November 2015, 2:44 AM GMTMax Power Roadside Repairman appeared in Viz 20 odd years ago and I think only once,would any of you kind bods happen to know which issue?
Max Power is in Viz No.86 (October/November 1997)
And reprinted in the 1999 Viz compilation annual, The Rusty Sheriff's Badge, which is the "best" of issues 82-87.
I bloody love Viz I do. An old girlfriend once asked what had happened to me as a kid to make me as daft and deranged as I am. She got her answer when she saw a photo of a nine year old me surrounded by Monty Python records, Captain America Comics, Spike Milligan and Dave Allen videos and copies of Viz.
To this day I have no idea what on earth my persuaded my folks to buy it for me as my mother was incredibly prudish and still is.
I was well happy when I was in a charity shop the other week, they had loads of Viz annuals for a quid a piece. I think I came out with about ten of them.
While it's not as good as it used to be it still makes me howl with laughter and I have to admit I do have a soft spot for the Drunken Bakers. But one that sticks with me is a one off called Silvio Berlusconis Jaffa Cake Bunga Bungalow Party purely for the daft title.
Quote: TheBlueNun @ 26th October 2015, 10:10 PM GMTI don't like those particular stories either. The tragically sad true-to-life stories about a family selling all of their clothing and bedding to fund a chicken meal was extremely poignant.
I remember the one that ends with the family at home with no clothing or bedding but the parents have their booze and a chicken takeaway dinner. The mum asks her little girl how is the chicken and she replies exitedly "salty". Far from making me laugh that story made me feel like crying. Another one that almost turned on the water works was the Drunken Bakers from about two years ago where one of them has a dream about his wife and daughter who left him because of his drinking and he wakes up on the sofa to the 6am news with a bottle in one hand and a photo of his family in the other. I like this kind of direction because it makes you think.
I love Viz and have been buying it since it first started. Can anyone remember the Viz top ten where you could send in a track but it was the money you sent in that determined the placement in the rankings. Someone called Andrew Tait must have spent thousands because he got number 1 every month more than anyone else. I think they had to stop doing it after people complained they were just blatantly taking money from readers with no real reward. Typical Viz!
I've not seen it for a few months but I like the Twitter feed which starts with someone making a normal, everyday comment and then people respond with vile threats and insults. Someone called Reverend J Falcout always gets involved and takes it to a new low of disgusting language. One time @aledjones even chimed in to encourage the rev
One I've just remembered from the 90s when it was at its best was the Incredible Bullshitting Bastard. I remember spilling my cocoa I laughed so much. It had a lot of fairly short lived gems back then, for the life of me I can't think why they don't bring back a few of them to freshen it up again.
I'm a subscriber and think that it's still bloody great. I have quite a few literal LOL moments (on my own, sitting on the sofa).
I think that bringing back some of the older comic strips would be a great ideal, ditto re-introducing the photo love story parodies - "I didn't see her mate!"
Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 2nd July 2016, 10:12 PM BSTI remember the one that ends with the family at home with no clothing or bedding but the parents have their booze and a chicken takeaway dinner. The mum asks her little girl how is the chicken and she replies exitedly "salty". Far from making me laugh that story made me feel like crying. Another one that almost turned on the water works was the Drunken Bakers from about two years ago where one of them has a dream about his wife and daughter who left him because of his drinking and he wakes up on the sofa to the 6am news with a bottle in one hand and a photo of his family in the other. I like this kind of direction because it makes you think.
I love Viz and have been buying it since it first started. Can anyone remember the Viz top ten where you could send in a track but it was the money you sent in that determined the placement in the rankings. Someone called Andrew Tait must have spent thousands because he got number 1 every month more than anyone else. I think they had to stop doing it after people complained they were just blatantly taking money from readers with no real reward. Typical Viz!
I've not seen it for a few months but I like the Twitter feed which starts with someone making a normal, everyday comment and then people respond with vile threats and insults. Someone called Reverend J Falcout always gets involved and takes it to a new low of disgusting language. One time @aledjones even chimed in to encourage the rev
I remember Andrew Taut. He's not as great as the Letterbox contributor: Terence Trent, from Derby.
Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 2nd July 2016, 10:12 PM BSTI remember the one that ends with the family at home with no clothing or bedding but the parents have their booze and a chicken takeaway dinner. The mum asks her little girl how is the chicken and she replies exitedly "salty". Far from making me laugh that story made me feel like crying. Another one that almost turned on the water works was the Drunken Bakers from about two years ago where one of them has a dream about his wife and daughter who left him because of his drinking and he wakes up on the sofa to the 6am news with a bottle in one hand and a photo of his family in the other. I like this kind of direction because it makes you think.
I love Viz and have been buying it since it first started. Can anyone remember the Viz top ten where you could send in a track but it was the money you sent in that determined the placement in the rankings. Someone called Andrew Tait must have spent thousands because he got number 1 every month more than anyone else. I think they had to stop doing it after people complained they were just blatantly taking money from readers with no real reward. Typical Viz!
I've not seen it for a few months but I like the Twitter feed which starts with someone making a normal, everyday comment and then people respond with vile threats and insults. Someone called Reverend J Falcout always gets involved and takes it to a new low of disgusting language. One time @aledjones even chimed in to encourage the rev
I remember Andrew Tait. He's not as great as the Letterbox contributor: Terence Trent, from Derby.
Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 2nd July 2016, 10:12 PM BSTI remember the one that ends with the family at home with no clothing or bedding but the parents have their booze and a chicken takeaway dinner. The mum asks her little girl how is the chicken and she replies exitedly "salty". Far from making me laugh that story made me feel like crying. Another one that almost turned on the water works was the Drunken Bakers from about two years ago where one of them has a dream about his wife and daughter who left him because of his drinking and he wakes up on the sofa to the 6am news with a bottle in one hand and a photo of his family in the other. I like this kind of direction because it makes you think.
I love Viz and have been buying it since it first started. Can anyone remember the Viz top ten where you could send in a track but it was the money you sent in that determined the placement in the rankings. Someone called Andrew Tait must have spent thousands because he got number 1 every month more than anyone else. I think they had to stop doing it after people complained they were just blatantly taking money from readers with no real reward. Typical Viz!
I've not seen it for a few months but I like the Twitter feed which starts with someone making a normal, everyday comment and then people respond with vile threats and insults. Someone called Reverend J Falcout always gets involved and takes it to a new low of disgusting language. One time @aledjones even chimed in to encourage the rev
I remember Andrew Taut. He's not as great as the Letterbox contributor: Terence Trent, from Derby.
It's been donkey's since I perused a "new" VIZ. So here's a review of the August 2016 issue.
COVER: Shite. "Hey, let's cram this issue's stars into a scene!" It worked in the old days. Now it's just so bloody lazy, by-the-numbers. Where's the creativity? Where's the spirit of anarchy? Where's the big f**k-you to the mainstream media and to readers? Come to think if it, these all-too-similar covers are a big "f**k you" to readers. All the cover says to me is: "Don't waste your time or money with this same-old shit."
NEXT PAGE: A f**kin' ad. For mayonnaise. Jesus wept. Viz used to take the piss out of ads. Now it just serves up mainstream shite trying so desperately to be cool. Not cool.
FIRST STRIP: MRS BRADY OLD LADY: She gets a handphone. Piss-weak. Not clever. Not funny. Just tired.
ROGER MELLIE: 2-pager. Not bad.
GILBERT RATCHET: Neither good nor awful. Nice bit with the budgie on Radio 4.
NEXT PAGE: A styoopit ad for t-shirts (non-Viz shirts). It should have been captioned: "Wear one of our shirts and instantly transform into a f**kwit."
LETTERBOCKS & TOP TIPS: Tired. Unfunny. Seems to be contributions from "funny" readers. A few hits. Mostly misses. Nice one on wasps.
THE WICKETKEEPER HAD TITS: 2-pager. Weak. Could have been great with a clever ending.
NEXT PAGE: An ad for a band. So what?
WEE RADGE JOE: Often pathetic attempt at Scottish lingo.
4-PAGE PROGNOSTICATION SPECIAL REPORT: No need to do "funny photos" when spoofing tabloid shite. Delivering satire with a shovel to the head. "Tarot No!" was good.
MORE & MORE ADS AND UNFUNNY CRAP: So commence skimming and there's a Morrissey short, which should be funny, but isn't. Kettle stuff not bad. On Page 51 there's an ad for a CD/DVD folder. Jesus wept! A horrible bit of plastic tat that should cost about three quid (holds 120 discs) - being flogged for 22.95 plus 5.95 for postage! This just shows that the target audience of Viz is dipshits, if this is sort of ad being carried. And there's also a baldness cure ad that isn't a piss-take! What the f**k?
VERDICT: Commercial bag of shite. Bereft of heart and soul. Some glimmers of what it once was. Not worth the effort. The Drunken Bakers guy should do a strip of a VIZ reader or contributor shooting himself in despair.
Quote: Kenneth @ 3rd July 2016, 2:41 PM BSTIt's been donkey's since I perused a "new" VIZ. So here's a review of the August 2016 issue.
COVER: Shite. "Hey, let's cram this issue's stars into a scene!" It worked in the old days. Now it's just so bloody lazy, by-the-numbers. Where's the creativity? Where's the spirit of anarchy? Where's the big f**k-you to the mainstream media and to readers? Come to think if it, these all-too-similar covers are a big "f**k you" to readers. All the cover says to me is: "Don't waste your time or money with this same-old shit."
NEXT PAGE: A f**kin' ad. For mayonnaise. Jesus wept. Viz used to take the piss out of ads. Now it just serves up mainstream shite trying so desperately to be cool. Not cool.
FIRST STRIP: MRS BRADY OLD LADY: She gets a handphone. Piss-weak. Not clever. Not funny. Just tired.
ROGER MELLIE: 2-pager. Not bad.
GILBERT RATCHET: Neither good nor awful. Nice bit with the budgie on Radio 4.
NEXT PAGE: A styoopit ad for t-shirts (non-Viz shirts). It should have been captioned: "Wear one of our shirts and instantly transform into a f**kwit."
LETTERBOCKS & TOP TIPS: Tired. Unfunny. Seems to be contributions from "funny" readers. A few hits. Mostly misses. Nice one on wasps.
THE WICKETKEEPER HAD TITS: 2-pager. Weak. Could have been great with a clever ending.
NEXT PAGE: An ad for a band. So what?
WEE RADGE JOE: Often pathetic attempt at Scottish lingo.
4-PAGE PROGNOSTICATION SPECIAL REPORT: No need to do "funny photos" when spoofing tabloid shite. Delivering satire with a shovel to the head. "Tarot No!" was good.
MORE & MORE ADS AND UNFUNNY CRAP: So commence skimming and there's a Morrissey short, which should be funny, but isn't. Kettle stuff not bad. On Page 51 there's an ad for a CD/DVD folder. Jesus wept! A horrible bit of plastic tat that should cost about three quid (holds 120 discs) - being flogged for 22.95 plus 5.95 for postage! This just shows that the target audience of Viz is dipshits, if this is sort of ad being carried. And there's also a baldness cure ad that isn't a piss-take! What the f**k?
VERDICT: Commercial bag of shite. Bereft of heart and soul. Some glimmers of what it once was. Not worth the effort. The Drunken Bakers guy should do a strip of a VIZ reader or contributor shooting himself in despair.
I liked it.
Quote: TheBlueNun @ 3rd July 2016, 4:11 PM BSTI liked it.
Apart from the adverts so did I.
Thing is with Viz is that's it not run by the guys who started it so of course it's going to be different and the reading figures are nowhere near what they used to be so to keep putting it out they're going to have to stick adverts in to earn close to the same amount they did those years back.
Besides, Viz has always prided itself on the fact that it's supposed to be shit and that's what I like about it.
Can anyone remember the Childrens rip off version that was called Oink and another called Acne.
Acne actually had the tag line 'not suitable for adults' and one of the writers of it was actually Charlie Brooker.
Considering it was aimed purely at kids Acne had a surprising amount of swearing in it, no wonder it didn't last long.
I vaguely recall another one called Smut though I couldn't tell you anything about that.
My brother used to buy Oink which I read occasionally. I remember it had Garbage Paul Kids humour and was gross but I don't think there was any swearing or adult themes.
I bought this months Viz but have not read it yet. Last months was a pile of shite and I don't think there was anything that made me laugh so this months better be worth the £3.20 damage.
One of my favourites from Viz is a short, one off story from mid 2014 which was Hercule Poirot as a baby with the trademark moustache. He's in a room with murder suspects and is wailing his head off until someone stands up and shouts "ok I admit it, I'm the murderer now stop that f**king crying".
I stand corrected, I was getting ACne and Oink mixed up.
Acne was the one that had swearing in yet was still aimed towards the young' S.
I'm getting vague recollections now of Chris Sievey and Frank Sidebottom being involved with Oink can anyone confirm that? I was about eight or nine when it was on the go.
This is another classic. The line "cut your cloth accordingly lad" is genius and made me almost soil myself. More frequently I'm finding it's the spoof adverts like this that keep me interested because the funny punchlines of most of the cartoons are almost non existent these days.

I always like to read Viz in bed just before lights out so I can fall asleep laughing at something daft like this.
Quote: Sarc @ 3rd July 2016, 4:29 PM BSTBesides, Viz has always prided itself on the fact that it's supposed to be shit and that's what I like about it.
But much of it has become lame, tired and lazy. Not rough, raw, edgy.
Quote: Sarc @ 3rd July 2016, 4:29 PM BSTCan anyone remember the Childrens rip off version that was called Oink and another called Acne.
Viz spawned A LOT of feeble imitators. Unbelievably, most of them made it to Australian newsagents. Oink was very childish (presumably deliberately so). The others were more crudely drawn and seemed to rely on gore, drugs and sex for "comedy".
Quote: Sarc @ 3rd July 2016, 4:29 PM BSTApart from the adverts so did I.
Thing is with Viz is that's it not run by the guys who started it so of course it's going to be different and the reading figures are nowhere near what they used to be so to keep putting it out they're going to have to stick adverts in to earn close to the same amount they did those years back.
Besides, Viz has always prided itself on the fact that it's supposed to be shit and that's what I like about it.Can anyone remember the Childrens rip off version that was called Oink and another called Acne.
Acne actually had the tag line 'not suitable for adults' and one of the writers of it was actually Charlie Brooker.
Considering it was aimed purely at kids Acne had a surprising amount of swearing in it, no wonder it didn't last long.I vaguely recall another one called Smut though I couldn't tell you anything about that.
I do indeed and dead right, those imitators were rather crass and lame.
I've read the autobiographies penned by both Donald brothers. The elder, Chris, came across as Autistic and I can honestly see the triggers, as I'm on the spectrum too. The younger, Simon, got rather fed up with it all and moved sideways into comedy. He has also inherited his mother's MS.
Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 3rd July 2016, 8:27 PM BSTThis is another classic. The line "cut your cloth accordingly lad" is genius and made me almost soil myself. More frequently I'm finding it's the spoof adverts like this that keep me interested because the funny punchlines of most of the cartoons are almost non existent these days.
mall" alt="Image">
I always like to read Viz in bed just before lights out so I can fall asleep laughing at something daft like this.
That Yorkshire Samaritans advert was great!
I've read Chris's book and really enjoyed it, the bit about being questioned by the police as a possible terrorist threat had me in absolute pieces. Having read the whole thing I can see why he left when he did though, the publishers were absolute f**kers to them but autism didn't even occur to me so I must have missed something.
As for the Vic and Bob top tips videos I've seen them and had no idea they were supposed to be Viz related, that's how much they were messed with.
I haven't read Simons book but it's on my list of must reads along with with about 150 others but I knew about his comedy.
I was at the Komedia in Brighton one night about six years ago and a guy walked up onstage dressed in a high viz (HA!) jacket and hard hat who I thought looked familiar but couldn't quite place him. It was only when he started talking that I realised it was Simon. He was the best act of the night too.
If anyone's interested Amazon marketplace have most, if not all, of the hard back collections for sale for a penny plus postage. I think I may have to invest in them.