Wednesday 20th April 2016 9:18am
51,287 posts
Michael do you think you could have structured that joke differently?
I mean what you've said is "there's a punch line coming, ah here it is hope you enjoyed it"
Not only that but is Eumaise especially Greek, Welles certainly isn't it.
I guess the classic version would be the old books joke.
"Indifferent water boring by Euimaise Welles"
Quote: John Mairs @ 19th April 2016, 11:40 AM BST
-That wee Rona is like Marmite.
-What? You love her or hate her?
-No! They're both only one degree of separation from yeast!! 
That's great although to nick the old Australian beer joke
"they're both f**king close to yeast"
Quote: Sam Goetzee @ 16th April 2016, 11:14 PM BST
My 6 year old son was involved in a hit and run accident today.
I knew I shouldn't have lent him my car.
Nice one.