Friday 25th March 2016 2:08pm
North London
6,162 posts
Quote: Lee @ 25th March 2016, 1:36 PM GMT
Which magazine should we get? 
I didn't mean a magazine as such, WHSmiths has some booklets A4 size, usually in the magazine racks, priced typically around £10. Usually they are collected/edited articles from magazines by the same publisher.
They exist for many subjects so you look for one with Windows 10 in the title.
There are also a number of ordinary books around with titles like "Windows 10 for beginners", Windows 10 for Dummies, Windows 10 for Seniors" etc.
The way to select a book is to scan through it in the store, select one for which you already understand a third to half of the content and don't understand/know-about the other part. That way you will get a book at your 'correct' knowledge level.
But if you are already fairly experienced and just want a magazine with tips & tricks, I recommend "Computer Active".
I ignored this one for years as it looks trashy, but in fact the blokes who write it do seem to know their stuff where Win 10 is concerned, so I took out a subscription to it, myself.
On the stands it costs £1.99 every fortnight.