Friday 18th March 2016 5:51pm
Royal Berkshire
69,992 posts
Network have issued a statement on the matter today. In short, not cancelled but delayed for the moment.
We appreciate that some of you are disappointed, as we are, about the delays to some of the new ITV titles that we announced on our website. Just to keep you in the picture, the deeper into the archive we go the more complex the rights issues surrounding them can be. Some are easier than others to clear but if documentation is scarce, incomplete or sometimes missing altogether a full assessment has to be done from scratch, a time-consuming process wholly dependant on a multitude of factors.
The good news is that that vast majority of titles will ultimately get an airing and hopefully before the end of the year. We're just not in a position to name the day at this precise moment. We'll keep you posted as soon as we know more ourselves, though. We do really appreciate your patience and look forward to what's ahead.