The Codpiece
Saturday 12th March 2016 8:32pm [Edited]
3 posts
Hi everyone,
Many thanks for all the excellent submissions. Some really funny stuff! ![:)](
A few general points that keep on coming up:
At the moment we are not paying ( Doom! ). The site is still in development and the content is too sparse to bring in any cash. However, we do plan on paying regular contributors when things start picking up.
We are not necessarly looking for professionals at this stage. Just people who have an interest in satire or those who see something absurd on the news and want to scratch an itch. So no pressure at the moment.
Of course, posting anonymously is absolutely fine. Although, we can link to personal blogs if you want.
We are still definitely open to submissions. If interested, please send us something satirical, in 150 words or less, about Michael Goves lips.
Thanks again! ![:)](