Sunday 20th March 2016 12:39pm
51,287 posts
Hey Leevil what do you think about the Tory party?
Quote: Lee @ 13th March 2016, 10:41 AM GMT
They are glorious! 
They are sweet and oaty, quite firm and thick.
Quote: DaButt @ 20th March 2016, 9:42 AM GMT
If cops start shooting, it's because they've decided that the use of deadly force is authorized and they're trying to kill the perp, not disable his vehicle. It's similar to the fact that cops always shoot to kill instead of shooting them in the leg, etc.
Well also deflating a tyre or two won't stop a car and one bullet won't even effectively deflate a single tyre..
Those stinger strips put 3 spikes into each of the 4 tyres and even then they take about 50 feet to stop.
Cops shoot for the centremass because it's the easiest place to hit and the most likely to "stop" a target.
Criminey even your gun toting cops aren't as murder happy as your are.