Sunday 6th March 2016 4:19pm
14,722 posts
Quote: alan1967 @ 5th March 2016, 6:33 PM GMT
They wouldn't though would they unless they want a nuclear war, which they don't.
Of course nobody wants a nuclear war, and that's what makes them such powerful weapons. The United States signed a treaty which requires it to defend Taiwan against an attack by China. What would happen if China launched such an attack and as American forces raced to the area they were warned that a nuclear strike against, say, an aircraft carrier was possible? Would an American president call their bluff? Would the American people support a fight for a faraway island if it could lead to a nuclear war? How would UK and European citizens and leaders react if Russia threatened a similar strike over a tiny chunk of land in the former USSR?
It all comes down to guessing how American leaders would react to a strike, either real or threatened. That's always been enough to avoid nuclear confrontations in the past, but what if Chinese or Russian hackers managed to penetrate high-level military and presidential communications and saw that we were inclined to waver if the (threatened) strikes were small and limited to a confined area thousands of miles from our more important interests?