Monday 25th May 2015 4:52pm [Edited]
16 posts
Quote: Bonzo @ 23rd May 2015, 4:41 PM BST

But surely it should be the 2 of them in the car and since Kayleigh is also one of the writers, she won't write herself out?
Well first off it's great to Kay back on comedic form. It's the best thing he's done in years.
Anyway onto Kayleigh, seeing as she's the best thing in the show imo, aside from Reece Shearsmith's cameo (I wouldn't mind a whole series with Kay and Shearsmith car sharing). I won't be shocked to see Kay bring back Kayleigh seeing as the show's been one of the most successful comedies BBC Two has ever had and they have hinted at a romance but I have a feeling we got a bittersweet ending, if you listen to the that "Pure and Simple" song.
I think as a few have said that Peter Kay's John will be the main character and every series has a different worker from the store, maybe bring Kayleigh back for the last series to round it off.
Quote: zooo @ 24th May 2015, 11:15 PM BST
I hope she does come back. 
I love to have her come back too, but in the last Car Share series to round the whole thing off. I would like Kay's John to have different characters to bounce off for maybe a series or two and then bring Kayleigh back in the end to have their characters go off into the sunset. I just feel with that ending that I think she's not coming back. Maybe it's just me, it was a bittersweet ending. John as we seen and heard that he's let a lot of good things go in his life.