British Comedy Guide

Benidorm - Series 8 Page 2

Out of blind loyalty I had to watch again. Whilst it was slightly better than last week it was still pretty dire, almost a laughter free zone

Tyger friend is seriously annoying and just toooo stupid, not on the remotest bit funny

Will I watch next week?.................

I was disappointed by it.

But then I've only seen about six episodes from various series, not knowing which, and decided on that basis the show was good. I think they were early ones. Where is JV? Did he disappear recently or a long time ago?

Quote: A Horseradish @ 19th January 2016, 11:16 PM GMT

Where is JV? Did he disappear recently or a long time ago?

Quote: Aaron @ 19th January 2016, 11:29 PM GMT

Oh! Laughing out loud

I enjoyed tonight's episode, it was really funny. I love this series so far.

Surprised there have been so few comments about Benidorm as it is probably the sitcom with the highest viewing figures on TV at the moment

The last 3 or 4 series have generally been pretty poor with the occasional chuckle at best.

This series however is completley off the scale. It is worse than dreadful and I have now officially given up

Such a shame as it was a decent sit com particularly the 30 minute episodes

I feel is just regurgitating safe old fodder for masses(?!) and reverting back to seventies seaside postcard appeal.

It always was a bit of that which was part of its charm (it is a seaside after all) but it was supported with a tad more wit about it previously which justified its pantomime cliché characters.

Such a great cast too - doesn't do them justice, though they need to pay their bills like anyone else.


I thought Benidorm could not get any worse, but then they go and surprise me.

White Dee of Channel 4 benefit programmes is to be in Benidorm from next season.

I feel sorry for all the hard working actors out there working their butts off and then she swans in with no acting experience, that I know of.

I know Benidorm the place and show is sterotypically chavvy but this taking it too far.

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