Hello Each
I am a brand new member to this site looking for advise.
I am working on a romantic comedy which will, come hell or the most minor of life's distractions, be ready for the next Comedy Window at BBC Writer's Room. However, so far as I can see the most well known software packages do not have a format that resembles the Matt Carless sample radio comedy script on the Writer's Room site.
My question is, do any of you guys have a software package/format you can recommend ?
At the moment I have an American sample script in Word that I have amended but I am copy and pasting all the time when I move from one character dialogue to the next i.e. I have no short cut to insert character names etc. I can manage at the moment but it is a bugger when you feel you have a flow going then have to mess about with layout only to find what ever you had in your head has evaporated before being captured on the page.
Any guidance much appreciated!!