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How To Seduce A Guy - Se1 Ep1- eSt Family Empire Page 2

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th December 2015, 2:48 PM GMT

Maybe you should entitle Series 1 Episode 2 'How to be condescending and rude to everyone.'

Well said.

and what bothers me the most that non of you really gets the point this is actually scary. There is a four star restaurant and someone comes to check on the stars. He goes to the restaurant orders a five course meal and after the starter in which he didn't like the eggs he decides to take them all the stars away without tasting the other food or look around and check out the rooms the lobby the toilets and everything. And then he writes a review about the whole hotel.. And then he is asked why do you think it's rubbish. Because the eggs in the starter were not to my liking that means everything else is rubbish too. That's what you guys are doing and you think that's right. And I am the one who is rude. except of Michael no one watched it to the end which is OK with me. Therefore you don't have any rights to criticize anything. Again for the extremes stupidest I want critiques about the whole movie and not about a part of it. As far as I'm concerned the only critique on the video is that it's too long. I can easily live with this.

I presume this is some sort of troll/part of the act?!

Quote: Lokemo Entertainment @ 9th December 2015, 3:46 PM GMT

and what bothers me the most that non of you really gets the point this is actually scary. There is a four star restaurant and someone comes to check on the stars. He goes to the restaurant orders a five course meal and after the starter in which he didn't like the eggs he decides to take them all the stars away without tasting the other food or look around and check out the rooms the lobby the toilets and everything. And then he writes a review about the whole hotel.. And then he is asked why do you think it's rubbish. Because the eggs in the starter were not to my liking that means everything else is rubbish too. That's what you guys are doing and you think that's right. And I am the one who is rude. except of Michael no one watched it to the end which is OK with me. Therefore you don't have any rights to criticize anything. Again for the extremes stupidest I want critiques about the whole movie and not about a part of it. As far as I'm concerned the only critique on the video is that it's too long. I can easily live with this.

Or, more realistically:

There's this no-star unknown restaurant and the owner comes out into the street where a bunch of chefs are chatting and demands they eat his food because it's amazing. They take a bite, because they're nice like that, and accommodating to even the most overbearing of strangers, and suggest some ways the dish might be improved (say, perhaps, that there's way too much of it on the plate, and there's too much flavourless stodge), but the owner then gets upset and shouts that they can only give an opinion if they eat every morsel,and that he's disgusted with the crass stupidity of these passing cooks, that he doesn't want their opinion anyway until they can come to him and prove how many Michelin stars *they've* got.

Laughing out loud

I can see the point and therr is some truth in this. however if you feel you are a chef I definitely have the right to feel like a great actor/producer. For me you are just a kitchen porter at that stage since you haven't showed me anything. You are not suggesting anything you are just knock things off that's all you do. It is a long way for you to be a chef. I might be not great however I'm trying hard. all you do is just talking warm air. You are not here to help! you are here to take the mickey out of the people. Once again nobody asked/demanded/forced you to watch the video. This Group implies that people are interested in other people's work and do have some time to actually watch some work. On the top of this I know that you have watched it anyway, what pisses me off that you don't have the balls or the knowledge to say that there are good things in it too or at least things on which we could work to make it better and funniest. if you would point things out then you would actually help. Don't tell me the little girl speaks quietly turn up your volume or get hearing aid. How could you help someone who prepares for 10000 meters if you walk out after 2000 meters in every training session he does and you telling him I don't think you've got it you are too slow. "You little o*d grumpy man" ????

Quote: Lokemo Entertainment @ 9th December 2015, 6:22 PM GMT

I can see the point and therr is some truth in this. however if you feel you are a chef I definitely have the right to feel like a great actor/producer. For me you are just a kitchen porter at that stage since you haven't showed me anything. You are not suggesting anything you are just knock things off that's all you do. It is a long way for you to be a chef. I might be not great however I'm trying hard. all you do is just talking warm air. You are not here to help! you are here to take the mickey out of the people. Once again nobody asked/demanded/forced you to watch the video. This Group implies that people are interested in other people's work and do have some time to actually watch some work. On the top of this I know that you have watched it anyway, what pisses me off that you don't have the balls or the knowledge to say that there are good things in it too or at least things on which we could work to make it better and funniest. if you would point things out then you would actually help. Don't tell me the little girl speaks quietly turn up your volume or get hearing aid. How could you help someone who prepares for 10000 meters if you walk out after 2000 meters in every training session he does and you telling him I don't think you've got it you are too slow. "You little o*d grumpy man" ????

I haven't watched this one, actually: I watched a tiny bit, found it generally unconvincing, and stopped having borne in mind your very firm request to watch every second. I did think of some things that I could say about it, incidentally, but rules is ruiles, so I kept them to myself.

You might recall that I *did* watch all of your last video, and commented accordingly. I recall the comments were soemthing akin to "too long, lots of irrelevant material, many longeurs", which is sort of interesting, given this discussion, don't you think? I also said the same thing a few months ago when some other vids were posted by a friend of yours (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that part).

If you want to get a feel for my writing, incidentally, I've entered every Skit Comp on here for about 3 years, so go crazy looking through the history if that's helpful to you in judging whether to give me credence or not. I'm not going to list any palpable comedy achievements, because after all you came to us asking for comment, I don't feel that we have to justify our credentials in advance. However, if I am not a chef, that's fine by me: I'm nothing but a dilletante, I happily admit.

I would suggest, though, that if you do demand a certain level of success/standing from your critics, then there are people in the industry who offer this service. Quite resonable rates for some of them. Or there are producers and agents - send you stuff to them and see where you get. Be sure to specify in your covering letter they must watch every moment otherwise they're stupid, of course. Laughing out loud

Incidentally, if I were training someone for the 10,000 metres, I would get up and walk away after a very short time, if they continually ran the wrong way.

Ok, I qualify now. I watched the entire thing. Let me turn the tables - which parts do you think are funny? And why?

I saw nothing that was comical. I saw a girl who's talking was muffled no matter the volume and a man stumbling over his words all the way through.

You have a lot to learn.

I'll just add what Gappy is too modest to add. He not only enters the Skit comp regularly but in fact wins it more often than not. He also gives generously of his time in offering sensible and insightful critique (advice) to new posters in particular.

You really would do well to actually listen (by which I really mean think) about any advice he is good enough to offer.

Ok I give in. You all won. It's all rubbish and all crap and I am usless. You all are great profesionals who really know what's great. The best of British.
Keep watching my shows!!!!

Didn't watch more than 15 seconds of the video but have to say this angry filmmaker online persona is great: definite comedy potential in that.

I watched the first 5 minutes - I don't know why you're complaining though, if it was ever made into a real show, you would have to hook people in from the very start

Totally bizarre.
Odd use of sound effects, what's with the glug noise on the beer and dubbed over burp?
Strange editing and insertion of images.
Inaudible dialogue what I did hear made almost no sense - grabbing someone's hair on a dance floor??
Was it scripted? It just seems like you've set up a camera at a dinner table...
No mics used, audio is horrible
.....all in all, not great, and points deducted for being so rude about people's unwillingness to watch till the end - if people don't want to watch till the endthat's a problem with the way you've made it, it's on YOU. I paused Catastrophe to watch this, and I'm very disappointed.

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