British Comedy Guide

Hi-De-Hi! Page 5

My only reservation about the series, which I may have mentioned before is the character of Squadron Leader Clive Dempster - maybe it was the too bigger boots to fill, but I could never shine to him. The he and Gladys situation was nowhere near the hilarious ones with Mr. Fairbrother.

"Jeffrey can't hear you.........Hi De Hi" Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Marvellous! He was so absolutely fantastic in that part.

Then he went to live next door to Hyacinth. That clipped his wings a bit :)

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 9th December 2015, 9:30 AM GMT

My only reservation about the series, which I may have mentioned before is the character of Squadron Leader Clive Dempster - maybe it was the too bigger boots to fill, but I could never shine to him. The he and Gladys situation was nowhere near the hilarious ones with Mr. Fairbrother.

"Jeffrey can't hear you.........Hi De Hi" Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Marvellous! He was so absolutely fantastic in that part.

I wholeheartedly agree, I couldn't bear the way Clive sponged off of his staff, left, right and centre. Add to that his constant perving over the female Yellowcoats, then you've created and out and out cad. I did wonder whether he was having a secret thing with Sylvia?

Jeffrey was a better character, very much in the traditional sitcom mould of 'terrified, sexually repressed academic.' My favourite scenes with him had to be how he read out Joe Maplin's regular illiterate epistles - pure comedy gold.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th December 2015, 10:02 AM GMT

Then he went to live next door to Hyacinth. That clipped his wings a bit :)

Absolutely :)

KUA was a year or so later than HDH wasn't it? The character of Emmet only featured from S2 onwards as I recall?

Quote: TheBlueNun @ 9th December 2015, 10:27 AM GMT

Jeffrey was a better character, very much in the traditional sitcom mould of 'terrified, sexually repressed academic.' My favourite scenes with him had to be how he read out Joe Maplin's regular illiterate epistles - pure comedy gold.

Yes, and one of the other scenes that never fails to have me in stitches is when Gladys enters his chalet unexpectedly while he is dressing and he is about to put his trousers on but doesn't quite make it when she enters, so the only thing he can think of doing to save his modesty is to hold the trousers in front of himself and pull the zip fly up as a second thought. So, so funny.

Laughing out loud

Quote: TheBlueNun @ 9th December 2015, 10:27 AM GMT

I wholeheartedly agree, I couldn't bear the way Clive sponged off of his staff, left, right and centre. Add to that his constant perving over the female Yellowcoats, then you've created and out and out cad. I did wonder whether he was having a secret thing with Sylvia?

Jeffrey was a better character, very much in the traditional sitcom mould of 'terrified, sexually repressed academic.' My favourite scenes with him had to be how he read out Joe Maplin's regular illiterate epistles - pure comedy gold.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 9th December 2015, 10:57 AM GMT

Yes, and one of the other scenes that never fails to have me in stitches is when Gladys enters his chalet unexpectedly while he is dressing and he is about to put his trousers on but doesn't quite make it when she enters, so the only thing he can think of doing to save his modesty is to hold the trousers in front of himself and pull the zip fly up as a second thought. So, so funny.

Laughing out loud


Tried to post this Tuesday, but the link didn't work then for some reason:-

Very good interview with David Webb on the local radio this afternoon, which you can get on catch up at:-

His interview starts at 1.08 approx. with memories of his early career and has all the Hi De Hi anecdotes at 1.30, if you are interested. The prog. is available for 27 days,

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 8th January 2016, 10:36 AM GMT

David Webb

One of the Webb twins.

One of the Yellow Coats played the sarcastic woman in the bistro in the OFAH episode Yuppy Love:

Del: "How do you spell 'Arrods?"

Woman: "With a capital A!"

Laughing out loud

Wasn't there also a band which contained some Webb brothers?

Thank you for the info though HGT, I'll be sure to listen later :)

Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 8th January 2016, 1:47 PM GMT

Just trying to make it clearer.

Thank you, once again Mr W. Maybe you should contact Mark or Aaron and put in a written request to apply for the post of Moderator General?


Here's an early interview with Su Pollard for you, Nun.

Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 13th February 2016, 11:35 AM GMT


Here's an early interview with Su Pollard for you, Nun.

Thank you, much appreciated. I love a bit of classic Pollard :)

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