Not a huge fan of Cadbury's, I prefer Rowntree's, but of course they are now owned by Nestle, so it is a choice of which corporate Satan to patronise. There is Green & Blacks's, but doubtless someone will now tell me they are owned by Halliburton.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,781
Quote: Nick Nockerty @ 6th December 2015, 3:33 PM GMTSurely you only need 2 or 3 bullets or are you planning to swing by a high school ?
For target shooting they would typically fire 5 to 10 rounds per go. I expect.
Quote: billwill @ 6th December 2015, 6:45 PM GMTFor target shooting they would typically fire 5 to 10 rounds per go. I expect.
I average about 100 rounds per trip to the range. So that would be about 500 rounds for the 5 of us.
Quote: Nick Nockerty @ 6th December 2015, 3:33 PM GMTSurely you only need 2 or 3 bullets or are you planning to swing by a high school ?

Why all the surprise about Tyson Fury's quotes?
An American congress woman has sent out a Christmas card with half her family heavily armed with guns !
My mate Muddasa's got a card with his whole family wearing backpacks, which is less offensive, as he works for Millets. Maybe Cameron should do one with knives, bare chested. Mind you, Putin beat him to that one.
Probably the baby's in the picture have their new guns in the presents behind them.

Quote: Nick Nockerty @ 8th December 2015, 10:55 AM GMTAn American congress woman has sent out a Christmas card with half her family heavily armed with guns !
She's not a congresswoman. She's a member of the state assembly, the lower body of the state legislature. If I remember correctly, they only meet every other year.
I'm sure she took the photo for publicity and it looks like it's worked!
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th December 2015, 1:04 PM GMTProbably the baby's in the picture have their new guns in the presents behind them.
It's interesting the two healthy looking ones don't have guns. I guess the others figure they wouldn't be able to run away. I bet IS are having a field day with this "America's Army" photo.
I shall be using this photo to explain to my kids why Santa Clause was unable to come this year.
With it being a societal norm to shoot to kill anyone who looks like they might be on your property at night, I do wonder if lots of American kids worry about Santa getting shot.
Quote: zooo @ 8th December 2015, 2:17 PM GMTWith it being a societal norm to shoot to kill anyone who looks like they might be on your property at night, I do wonder if lots of American kids worry about Santa getting shot.
I'm sure kids are told that if he's innocent, he has nothing to fear.

Every Tory MP queuing up to condemn Trump comments on camera while their wives at home and their back benchers will be nodding in agreement. You have to wonder what the official govt response will be when or if any of the 20000 refugees they let in go on to kill anyone.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 8th December 2015, 8:34 PM GMTEvery Tory MP queuing up to condemn Trump comments on camera while their wives at home and their back benchers will be nodding in agreement. You have to wonder what the official govt response will be when or if any of the 20000 refugees they let in go on to kill anyone.
'WIVES at home'? Aren't you forgetting something?
Farmer loses his herd of cattle in the floods - terrible. BUT!!
They get swept down stream and all are recovered - one of them 20 miles away on a golf course!!!!!!!!