British Comedy Guide

Motor Cars Page 2

Ah yes, that is a service, which is a different matter altogether. I/we get our cars serviced (at least I do as cannot be arsed to do it myself anymore), but that doesn't check the safety of the car as such.

I have looked at what an MOT covers and what a service does and they are about the same. The only difference is you guys have to have an MOT and we don't.


Well if that is the case I would in all honestly be worried about the state of some of the cars on Australian roads, 'cos you're going to get quite a few drivers barely able to afford to run a car and so not bother to keep it safe.

We all moan about the MOT, but at least it keeps a lot of killer cars off the road.

It is traditional for garages to have huge signs saying MOT's outside. Which are only there to make my head explode with irritation at the f**king unnecessary apostrophe.
I've never seen one without it. They MUST be doing it on purpose.

Your rage's are getting worse. :D


It was probably a brothel.

On the Isle of Man a car has to have an MOT even if it's brand new.
However, MOTs never expire on the island. The thinking is as follows..
We know your car was roadworthy when it came on the island if it isn't now, and you've had an accident as a result, that's your fault, your responsibility, so now we're going to throw the book at you!

It seems to work rather well!

I just checked my post and removed the apostrophe !!

Quote: Maurice Mynah @ 4th December 2015, 11:45 AM GMT

I just checked my post and removed the apostrophe !!


I like apostrophe's.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 4th December 2015, 9:21 AM GMT

Well if that is the case I would in all honestly be worried about the state of some of the cars on Australian roads, 'cos you're going to get quite a few drivers barely able to afford to run a car and so not bother to keep it safe.

I think that's what the government would like you to think, but I'm not sure it's entirely true. We have an annual vehicle inspection here in Texas, but it's cursory at best. A few months ago I took my car to a place that promised a 9-minute inspection and it lived up to its name. Half of the time was spent filling out paperwork.

Florida did away with inspections while I lived there because they weren't shown to do any good and when I lived in California all they seemed to care about was a smog check.

Cops do a good job of keeping unsafe vehicles off the road.

Prefer our system, which is a proper inspection, where also the police can instantly check if a car has an MOT etc.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 4th December 2015, 2:48 PM GMT

Prefer our system, which is a proper inspection, where also the police can instantly check if a car has an MOT etc.

It's your country. :) Although I can't remember ever seeing an obviously unsafe vehicle on the roads here.

Cops here will issue a citation if your vehicle doesn't have a current inspection sticker. But I was referring to them citing drivers for having bald tires, unsafe equipment, burned out lights -- all the things that can happen in between yearly inspections.

How much does an MOT cost? Our inspection is $15 (£10).

Quote: DaButt @ 4th December 2015, 3:39 PM GMT

It's your country. :) Although I can't remember ever seeing an obviously unsafe vehicle on the roads here.

Cops here will issue a citation if your vehicle doesn't have a current inspection sticker. But I was referring to them citing drivers for having bald tires, unsafe equipment, burned out lights -- all the things that can happen in between yearly inspections.

How much does an MOT cost? Our inspection is $15 (£10).

The driver tailgating you at 60mph or whatever on bald tyres or poor brakes wouldn't be obviously unsafe. ;)

The max. fee for an MOT is £54.85, but most will charge £30 to £40 - I get mine for £39.99 if I have the annual service done at the same time. They also valet the car in that fee, and I have to say they do a very good job. :)

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 4th December 2015, 4:11 PM GMT

The driver tailgating you at 60mph or whatever on bald tyres or poor brakes wouldn't be obviously unsafe. ;)

Yeah, but nothing stops someone from putting on good tires before his annual inspection and replacing them with the old ones once he passes. And I'll bet there are shady inspectors in the UK who'll pass any vehicle for a price; we have them here, too.

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