Monday 26th October 2015 10:10pm
suburban south London
2,871 posts
Quote: KentuckyKid @ 26th October 2015, 10:48 AM GMT
I used to buy VIZ every week in my teens (a long long timee ago) and completely forgot about it until I was stuck at Edinburgh airport recently for a few hours facing WHSmiths. There it was staring at me, begging to be bought.
It is still hilarious, I'm not that fussed about the cartoons these days but the editorial is fantastic. I've started buying it again while traveling. Now I have to be careful about staggering like a schoolboy while sat on planes.
I used to have a subscription, cancelled it and duly ignored it for about three years. One day I went to Greenwich, bought a copy of Viz and a chocolate bar, sat in the park and laughed. I fell back in love then and there and re-invigorated my subscription.
Quote: Chappers @ 26th October 2015, 9:51 PM GMT
I think Drunken Bakers is the biggest load of crap in Viz. It never makes me laugh.
I don't like those particular stories either. The tragically sad true-to-life stories about a family selling all of their clothing and bedding to fund a chicken meal was extremely poignant.
The fake adverts, letters and the features are always extremely good.