The eight year old should have been carrying a gun as well to defend himself. The tragedy wouldn't have happened then. I blame the victim's father...and that communist pig Obama.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,773
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 6th October 2015, 10:00 AM BSTThe eight year old should have been carrying a gun as well to defend himself. The tragedy wouldn't have happened then. I blame the victim's father...and that communist pig Obama.
It was a little girl actually and it was all because she wouldn't let the boy see her puppy dog. Tragic
Just another day of people and children being shot to death in the good ole USA.
I knew Theresa May was going to make a bid to lead the Party. I just didn't know it was the BNP Party...
Quote: playfull @ 6th October 2015, 12:15 PM BSTI knew Teresa May was going to make a bid to lead the Party. I just didn't know it was the BNP Party...
Was she the bird who sang "We're all pinks here, f**k off back to your homes"?
Quote: DaButt @ 6th October 2015, 3:14 AM BSTMost likely. And it's also most likely that your nation is less safe after his revelation.
Snowden is a traitor and the most damaging spy of all time. He has compromised sources and programs that cost our nations billions of dollars, allowing our enemies to evade detection. He literally gave away the keys to the kingdom and our intelligence services are paying the price. Add in the recent hacking successes and China and Russia (along with lesser actors) will be able to sidestep our intelligence gathering methods for years, all the while improving their own.
It should come as no surprise that Snowden ran off to China and Russia after his espionage mission; they'll probably erect statues to him someday. He wasn't a whistleblower intent on informing the public, he was a spy intent on raiding our country's most sensitive secrets. The fact that he has been able to turn allies against allies and citizens against their nation is just icing on the poisonous cake.
People will die because of Snowden's treason. Good people. And our nations will suffer.
Snowden is a hero
A brave and courageous principled man
He has effectively given up his life to expose what a disgusting corrupt evil tyrannical bunch of shite run your country
Sadly most Americans are to blind and brainwashed to see this..
Quote: lofthouse @ 6th October 2015, 10:25 PM BSTSnowden is a hero
A brave and courageous principled man
And Vlad Putin is a peaceful freedom fighter who only wants to protect Ukrainians and eradicate ISIS. PUH-LEASE.
Snowden wasn't searching for intelligence operations against innocent American civilians, he was searching for operations against Russia, China and other adversaries (that's essentially the NSA's entire purpose for existing) and he gave that info to them. He caused grave damage to many nations' security, but all anyone wants to talk about is the fact that the NSA apparently was given very meager information on phone calls: Number X called Number Y at this time for Z minutes.
Snowden is no hero. He is a traitor. And let's not forget that his entire story is self-reported. He chooses which information is released and there is absolutely no means of verification because the intelligence services are famously unwilling/unable to comment due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter.
And lest you forget, your nation and many others were in cahoots with the NSA operations because it's important for their national security. Let's not pretend that the United States is the only country that plays this game.
Hell no! The UK is every bit as bad
So Step Ladder has been suspended. I hope it is by the knackers.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 9th October 2015, 12:01 PM BSTSo Step Ladder has been suspended. I hope it is by the knackers.

I wonder if septic Bladder ever regrets the decision to sell the world cup hosting to Russia and Qatar? It was the bizarre Qatar selection in particular that got everyone talking. It would have been less obvious if he had just put it on Ebay...
Quote: playfull @ 9th October 2015, 2:00 PM BSTIt was the bizarre Qatar selection in particular that got everyone talking.
My friend arrived in Qatar yesterday. It was 108F/42F. Lovely day for a football match.
Weren't they planning on only playing at night?
They couldn't play in the USA, one announcer says "he's shooting for the goal!"
And you'd nuke the stadiums.
It's still in the 90s at night. They should move the tournament to winter if it must be played in Qatar.
Tonbridge, England: Police Investigating Reports of Clowns in Vans Chasing Students
People in clown masks reportedly have approached students on separate occasions, the Mirror reported. "My daughter has a phobia of clowns and literally goes into a panic attack," a parent said.