British Comedy Guide

In Case You Missed It

Thank you to the elders of the BCG for highlighting this one-off (pilot?) show because the Radio Times certainly didn't. There were quite a few guffaws to be had and it slightly reminded me of The Victor Lewis-Smith Show from back in the 90s. I noticed that The Dawson Brothers were the main writers; I think that I recongized their surreal and slightly subversive edge.

Yeah, I also only heard about this thanks to Dara's mug on the homepage. I liked it.

I almost missed it which feels almost ironic.

I lasted 6 minutes.

Untalented comedy-writers all over the world must now be jumping for joy as this show proves there's no need to be ANY good at comedy-writing in order to get your work broadcast on the BBC.

How are the mighty fallen!

Dara reading scripted comedy did no seem to work. It seemed more of a platform for Charlie Brooker. Dara's style has always hinged towards improv and story telling, which makes him a dynamic presenter but I don't think that translates well to a mouthpiece for someone else's comedy.

I wanted to like it but the only segment that made me laugh was the Mary Berry section.

The genuine Mary showing how to make a meringue interspersed with an actor in the same clothes using things like a cement mixer, electric drill and flame thrower to make the meringue.

I laughed out loud at this sketch (which I rarely do with comedy nowadays) but the rest left me cold.

And Dara seemed a bit lost. He is brilliant as the host of Mock The Week but not here.

Awful. We had to switch off after 5 mins to put Dara out of our misery...

I'm usually willing to give new comedies a go. This, I genuinely had to turn off after less than ten minutes. It was after sitting through the seemingly neverending Rick Stein bit, which seemed to contain no actual jokes and the quite annoying repeated lines, which I assume was meant to be funny.

So, popular opinion is that it was fairly Marmitey then?

Quote: TheBlueNun @ 23rd September 2015, 6:06 PM BST

So, popular opinion is that it was fairly Marmitey then?

We've seen most of the elements of this before, and it was certainly uneven, but there was quite a bit of good stuff in there, especially the National Health Lottery. That was delightfully nasty.

Yes I'm with Nogget on this!
You're all a bunch of snobs!

To be fair I probably enjoyed it because I hadn't looked at the front page of the BCG (I Never look there)
SO I'd recorded it because I thought it was going to be a proper light hearted programme showing a few genuine clips.

It was well done, funny & a shame it was a one off

I'd take more Very Hard Sums, Mock The Week and a cavalcade of science-based programming from Dara than see him do this shit again.

Give it to Nick Helm, stick it on iPlayer and let him write it himself.

Jon Holmes tweeted that he pitched his radio Listen Against as a telly, they said 'what about Dara O Briain?', instead of Alice Arnold, he said no, they went ahead without him. Shabby.
Listen Against was pleasantly surreal.

I also enjoyed it.

And again, roast chicken.

I like Dara but this was terrible.

A poor version of Listen Against with Jon Holmes and Alice Arnold. I would welcome Listen Against coming to TV but only with said presenters.

Quote: Marissa @ 26th September 2015, 2:43 AM BST

Jon Holmes tweeted that he pitched his radio Listen Against as a telly, they said 'what about Dara O Briain?', instead of Alice Arnold, he said no, they went ahead without him. Shabby.
Listen Against was pleasantly surreal.

I am not on Twitter so did not know this but as per my post soon as I started watching I just thought this is plaigiarism. Glad I am not the only one who noticed.

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