Steve Sunshine
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 5:13pm [Edited]
15,898 posts
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 31st August 2015, 3:59 PM BST
Oh yes, Aaron - as Italophile said "it all becomes contrived and predictable"
But all sitcom is contrived in one way or another.
(Are we talking about Not Going Out, by the way? I hope so.)
It's predictable in the sense that you know you're going to get a joke every few seconds, but I don't see most of the punchlines coming.
But I'm not analysing it as I go, I just try to enjoy it.
Having a natural comedian like Lee Mack lets you know you're in safe hands.
Shame Tim's gone as I preferred it when he was in it.
To write something that packed with that many good one liners and still give it a plot that works and characters that you do quite like is clever.
It may not be highbrow, or too clever for its own good but it's undoubtedly clever.