Alfred J Kipper
Wednesday 24th February 2021 8:01am [Edited]
8,501 posts
The first episode was shown again last night on BBC4 following the first episode of Yes Minister. Does anyone know if these two will be continuing a full rerun or were just one offs like in 2015 for Perrin? They were followed by the 2016 show British Sitcom: 60 Years Of Laughing At Ourselves which I missed first time round and thought was hmm, functional, and too concerned with socio-political aspects. Which made me think they could just be one off tie ins with that, like TV is annoyingly wont to doing.
Back to the Nobbs sitcom, and it being a couple of decades at least since I've watched it, I was blown away how good it was for a first episode. Wow, and I still got that sense that it was different from the norm as you did then in 1976 which marked it out as a classic in the making. I'm not sure the whole three series lived up to this promise, from memory, but nonetheless it has to be one of the best Ep 1s of them all, doesn't it? I still hope it actually is the start of a new run, so Tuesday nights are marked down for me.