True story:
I went hiking in the countryside today. It was 37 C hot so there weren't many other hikers around. At a particularly steep passage in the forest, far away from civilisation, a person came up to me. From the distance I recognised a heavily made up blonde woman in slutty clothes with black stockings (so no hiking wear!) which was very unusual considering the terrain and the temperature. I was walking down the hill, she was coming upwards. When she was only about 16ft away I suddenly realised she wasn't wearing anything below the waist...and much worse: a large (L-A-R-G-E!!!!) penis was dangling between "her" legs! From that moment on I was praying to God (being an atheist that has to be either Aaron or Roger Federer) that she wouldn't approach me in a certain way. I mean let's face it, that wasn't only a nudist hiker...the stockings and the rest of the appearance looked like statement! So I tried to act normal (whatever that means in such a situation) and said 'hello' while passing "her". "She" too said 'hello' and that was that. I didn't look back. Funnily, shortly after that incident I was wondering if that fella was wearing high heels or something like that because that would have fitted the rest of the outfit. But after seeing the todger I strictly avoided examining the rest of the appearance.
That was by far the strangest thing that ever happened to me in the countryside..or the strangest thing that ever happened to me, period.