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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,744

But they don't have a gun cos we don't have guns.
If I were to get into a fracas with another motorist I'm pretty sure he's not going to pull a gun on me.
Can you say the same in the USA.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 22nd June 2015, 6:55 PM BST

But they don't have a gun cos we don't have guns.
If I were to get into a fracas with another motorist I'm pretty sure he's not going to pull a gun on me.
Can you say the same in the USA.

I'd say that the odds are extremely low. Someone might have a gun in their vehicle but it doesn't mean that they're going to pull it on a person they're arguing with. Deadly force is serious stuff and any sane person isn't going to be waving a firearm around. It's illegal, actually.

So there will be no road rage shootings then.

So where do you stand on the Dixie Flag, Dabutt?
I have real mixed feelings about it being touted as a racist symbol - just as I do about the Cross of St. George being hijacked by racists in this country.
The South has a fabulous heritage - along with it's more dubious past.

Plus I love this song by The Band.

What's a guy to do?

Being an 'Army Brat' (son of an Army Captain) and having been in the Cadet force, I am familiar with guns; I've fired .22 and .303 rifles on the range and Dad had a standard Colt .38 revolver in Cyprus kept in the house and we also had .22 rifle and a 'found' Luger automatic in Germany.

The rifle & Luger we handed into the Police when we came back to the UK.

In the cadets we we each issued a .303 rifle that we had to look after; dismantle & polish etc as well as do the marching drill stuff :) However they were kept in a locked Armory.

Darn thing was nearly as big as me in those days.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 22nd June 2015, 8:01 PM BST

So there will be no road rage shootings then.

Not so many that I'm afraid to give a careless driver the middle finger when necessary. ;)

Quote: Lazzard @ 22nd June 2015, 8:04 PM BST

So where do you stand on the Dixie Flag, Dabutt?
I have real mixed feelings about it being touted as a racist symbol - just as I do about the Cross of St. George being hijacked by racists in this country.
The South has a fabulous heritage - along with it's more dubious past.

I've spent most of my life in the south, but I've never been one to plaster the stars and bars all over the place. I understand why many people do, and it's usually not because they're racists. They're just proud of their heritage. Pieces of the Confederate flag are visible on most of the southern states' flags and I'm not convinced that removing them would be a victory in the fight against racism. In my opinion, the fact that the flags are flying over bodies of legislature that are filled with politicians of colour is proof enough that the south has changed and will never return to its dubious past.

Quote: Nick Nockerty @ 22nd June 2015, 6:17 PM BST

So we're talking Psychopath/Sociopath, Narcissist, Borderline or Schizophrenic. This type of person also considers themselves superior, and hence justified in killing.

Bit of a sweeping generalization there. I don't think you can lump schizophrenia in there with psychopaths and narcissists, they are not the same thing at all. Also, mentally ill people 'generally' tend to be more of a risk to themselves than others.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ 22nd June 2015, 9:12 PM BST

Bit of a sweeping generalization there. I don't think you can lump schizophrenia in there with psychopaths and narcissists, they are not the same thing at all. Also, mentally ill people 'generally' tend to be more of a risk to themselves than others.

I don't think he was implying that all mentally ill people are potential rampage killers, but I think you'll find that most rampage killers are mentally ill.

Skewed personalities, as in anti social personality disorder, which comes loosely under the umbrella of mental illness but we need to be careful of handing out the 'mentally ill' card to anyone who does something appalling, they may just be evil buggers.

There's mentally ill cards now???

Blimey, Clinton's will do anything for a quick buck

Quote: Shandonbelle @ 22nd June 2015, 9:25 PM BST

Skewed personalities, as in anti social personality disorder, which comes loosely under the umbrella of mental illness but we need to be careful of handing out the 'mentally ill' card to anyone who does something appalling, they may just be evil buggers.

I just looked up the Wikipedia biographies of 4 well known American rampage killers and there was a diagnosis of mental illness in every case.

DaButt that's a dangerous sentiment and yet another one of the pretty horrid ideas the NRA like.

Control and fear the mentally ill they might get guns, not control guns they might get into the hands of dangerous people.

There are millions of people in America with a whole buffet of mental illnesses, developmental, neurological or learning disabilities. Or physical disabilities don't forget the Harvey Milk, Twinkee defence.

If you say they're a potential danger they shouldn't be watched because they might get guns. Then you'll drive people away from seeking help and treatment, causing suffering and death on a scale that would make gun crime look like nothing.

As it is it doesn't work, every, full stop.

Conditions can develop or get worse through out life. Diagnosing conditions is remarkable difficult, especially if that diagnosis has to stand up in court.

As it is when you described your application for a concealed fire arm's license, it seemed to be the model for a sensible ownership system. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want it spread further?

I could accept that bringing in gun control now might not be the best solution, but to argue that the existing problem is not linked to the availability of guns is disingenuous, and any attempts to manipulate the homicide figures by distancing oneself from the horrors of gang violence is both statistically dubious and frankly heartless; they are your fellow Americans, whether you like it or not!

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd June 2015, 7:46 AM BST

DaButt that's a dangerous sentiment and yet another one of the pretty horrid ideas the NRA like........There are millions of people in America with a whole buffet of mental illnesses......... If you say they're a potential danger they shouldn't be watched ..........Diagnosing conditions is remarkable difficult,

I don't believe DaButt was saying any of that. Firstly, those with personality disorder are statistically less likely to have the mental illness label, in that the condition supposes they are perfect. So they wouldn't see the need to be diagnosed, or accept the diagnosis.

They estimate this type of person represents less than 1% of the population. A psychopath manipulates, for sure, but they don't need to kill in order to do this. There is an estimated 3 million psychopaths in America, so clearly most do not kill.

It is ignorance about mental health that cause the problem, not criminologist applying know theories. And the criminologist I know would say it's actually easier to diagnoses someone with a personality disorder than many other health issues, as their behaviour does fit a well documented pattern.

Bringing this back to gun law, clearly if guns are more readily available, then those that manipulate with fear will use them rather than knives or knuckle dusters. So clearly there will be more deaths. I've read stories of people in the UK and USA being shot in the back from a distance. Clear cut in the UK, someone can't pose a threat from a distance. Not so in America. Why give people the tools and the alibis they need to kill ?

I remember reading awhile back that there was on average 1 gun per person in the USA.
That equates to about 300 million guns (staggering to me)

And each year about 30 thousands are used to kill someone

30 thousand separate incidents of BANG' oh your'e dead per year.


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