Monday 22nd June 2015 3:50pm [Edited]
14,732 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st June 2015, 6:42 PM BST
I've never seen a gun and I don't know anyone who has.
Quote: lofthouse @ 21st June 2015, 7:28 PM BST
But yeah me too,never seen a gun in my life, don't know a single person who has
Neither of you has ever met a military veteran? That boggles my mind; 25% of American men are veterans and have received lots of training in the safe handling and operation of firearms.
Every time I've been to the UK I've seen guns outside of various sensitive locations.
Quote: lofthouse @ 21st June 2015, 7:28 PM BST
Telling a yank to give up his gun is kinda like asking a junkie to give up smack - pointless cos they're blind to the stupidity of it all
What's stupid is the fear of an inanimate object. I don't worry any more about guns than I do automobiles or baseball bats. Americans are well within their rights to choose to not own a firearm. They're also well within their constitutionally guaranteed rights to own firearms if they choose. What's the big deal?
Quote: keewik @ 21st June 2015, 8:37 PM BST
Da Butt, it's obvious you're a really nice person, but we here just don' t understand the gun culture. Try to imagine ... What do you think would happen if, overnight, all your guns were taken away. What would happen?
Well, I guess I'd have to get really good with a bow and arrow when deer hunting season rolls around. I'd also start carrying some sort of long spear in case I encountered any coyotes or mountain lions while walking through the woods behind my neighborhood.
"Gun culture" is a term used by people who don't like guns; it doesn't really mean anything. Literally every one of my neighbors owns one or more firearms, but it's not like it's a "culture." They're just things that we keep locked up in safes that we don't even think about unless it's hunting season or time for a visit to the range.
I wasn't raised in a home with guns, although my parents now own one or two. I choose to avoid having firearms in my house until my children were adults. Now I own several and each has a different purpose. I don't lie awake worrying about becoming a crime victim, but it's reassuring to know that if someone kicks down my door I'll have a 12-gauge shotgun ready to protect myself until the cops arrive 15 minutes later. I was a Boy Scout, so "Be Prepared" and all that...
Your scenario for magically disappearing guns isn't all that far from the mark, because that's the only way that I could see the government removing constitutionally authorized firearms from every American. It would be political suicide for any candidate or party (Democrats own their fair share of guns) so the idea of cops ransacking homes in search of guns is pretty much unthinkable.
A ban on guns is not a cure-all for suicides, murders or crime. Our neighbors to the north in Canada have stricter gun laws and their murder rate is 1/3 of ours, but our southern neighbors in Mexico have extremely strict gun laws, yet their murder rate is 5x ours. Japan has very strict gun laws, yet their murder rate is 1/3 of the UK's.
Here's something to chew on: the murder rate for the UK as a whole is 3x the murder rate for Texans like myself who hold a concealed handgun license.
Possession of a firearm doesn't turn a law-abiding citizen into a raging murderer. It's really that simple.