Quote: A Horseradish @ 19th May 2015, 11:28 PM BST
No, I'm sorry. Even if all those involved want the entire country discussing it and for them to be in the limelight from now until Christmas, they will be very disappointed. I am bored with their cake already.
Detail bores you, doesn't it?
Typical revolutionary type. 
Quote: A Horseradish @ 19th May 2015, 11:17 PM BST
You are quite close to cake and Germans, aren't you. I don't know what to make of it. To my mind, that is back to pub signs. It is history alive in the prevailing culture and if the prevailing culture can't handle it then it isn't as advanced or nuanced as it should be by now. Having gone off on a particular drift, I am struggling with my own concept of revolution as it is an odd thing. Obviously it stays in my head and has nothing of practical use to offer whatsoever. Still, it envisages the retaining of many of the basics - traditions, some of which dare one say it are small "c" conservative, albeit running in parallel with decent liberal modern reform - rather than wholly accepting the tide of brushing them away plus it is a return in many ways to post war economics rather than establishing something very new. This is why I'm comfortable with SOME broad monitoring as I see that sort of stance - mine - as a protection against the modern politics. That any monitoring should partially be protecting modern politics which is smashing up so much is disturbing but it's also wryly entertaining and deeply ironic.
Well, hard to grow up in Zurich and not be connected to the German speaking world.
Incidentally, the Germans are very much opposed to your broad monitoring.
They have reasonably recent experience of it going wrong. Merkel herself is East German, I believe. Therefore she's experienced STASI monitoring.
It's also why the Germans were outraged to learn that the US and the UK had been doing a lot of electronic spying. Let's say, they found it felt very familiar.
Switzerland too had a scandal years back when it emerged the government had been spying on its people.
We meanwhile in the UK just keep telling ourselves that we don't need to be wary, because that sort of thing would never happen over here.
But you look at some of the personnel about in UK politics today and you shiver.
Hard to trust the likes of Theresa May.