British Comedy Guide



A corporal is walking from one barrack to another.

A Sergeant approaches.

Corporal, Attention!

The corporal stands to attention.

The Sergeant looks him up and down.

(Camera cuts to Sergeants face)
At ease Corporal.

CUTS back to the Corporal in an armchair smoking and pipe and reading a paper.

The Sergeant looks shocked.



Laughing out loud Loved the way the corporal was so relaxed. I wonder what beasting he will get?

Good sketch Paul.

Thanks Charley... One reply though, I'm sickened. :O

Two replies. Nice joke Paul although something very similar was done by the Pythons in The meaning Of Life and may God strike me down if it wasn't... Angelic

Quote: ajp29 @ February 28, 2008, 11:10 AM

Two replies. Nice joke Paul although something very similar was done by the Pythons in The meaning Of Life and may God strike me down if it wasn't... Angelic

I haven't seen that movie, I'm so ashamed and I call myself a Phython fan :(

I like this. I've seen the Meaning of Life (though not for a long time) and I don't remember this being used. There was an army section but it involved Cleese asking his men if they'd rather be at home having sex with their wives than marching up and down a yard. Naturally they all took the home in bed option. Not similar enough to give you any worries I should think, Paul.

Nice, funny.

I think it went on a bit. (theatrical wink)

Spot on and funny.

Nice, simple, concise, purely visual punch, lose the sir though.

Simple and silly, Not a bad thing but it is pythonish which is more than likely why some people think it sounds familiar, but if you can write in that strain without realising then you are on to a good thing. Keep it up.


Cheers guys I'm feeling better already. :D

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