Which you then sold for millions?
My guilty confession is.. Page 5
No I ate it one night, I was drunk, and I was storing it in the fridge, sorry.
Damn-you could've done a Damien Hurst!
I found a blood stained knife in my old garden. I was hoping the police would dig the whole garden up, to have a look. It needed it. Sadly they took it & I never heard back.
They probably used it to murder some one. Bet your gardens full of murdered miners from the strikes in the 1980s.
I have moved now. Needed an undergrown garden.
Quote: sootyj @ February 28, 2008, 8:47 PMThey probably used it to murder some one. Bet your gardens full of murdered miners from the strikes in the 1980s.
I once barged through a door and knocked a disabled man over on crutches.
When I was about 14 years old I was at the Science Museum and I was fighting with my younger sister, as you do. Anyway, I thought she was behind me, so I reached behind and pinched her as hard as I could...even with a little twisting action. I then looked round to see the smallest little boy crying his eyes out... I quickly ran away...but I've never got over how guilty I felt about pinching him.
If you were that little boy... I am sorry!
Trust me, there's a lot of men out there happy to be physically abused by women. You probably just started this kid early.