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just take a look at the sight and see the type you are so eager to defend, we're not talking the man in the street, these are intelligent posters, lawyers and the likes. But carry on in your innocence, it must be nice, that's why 'they' laugh at us, and they are so racist

This is the BSG forum, right?

For what it's worth, I completely agree with James on this. My dad's family moved to to London from Italy at the end of WWII, as did many other Italians. But seemingly that's the acceptable face of immigration, because it's white European.

Oh - and we weren't full up then, obviously, but now! Drive to Kent and look at the people crammed in like cattle. Or in the Lakes, you can hardly move for immigrants. They're everywhere. I tried to drive to Wales the other day, but they'd shut the Severn Bridge. There was a sign up, saying 'Wales is now owned by immigrants.' We should shut the borders or, better still, stick up a huge fence round Britain, lets quarantine the country!

You can't put English on a form - that's Gordon Brown's fault. Even his name - Brown, it's a conspiracy. Whatever next? A black President, a Brown PM, we're being taken over.

I'm gonna buy me a gun. Or maybe just black-up, that way I'd fit in more.

Quote: Baumski @ February 28, 2008, 4:54 PM

I'd very interested on your view of the 'classic' Goodness Gracious Me sketch 'Going out for an English'.

VERY different sketch though. As has been said its an inversion on white yobs treatment of indians in restraunts.

There is no such inversion in the sketch posted here....its simply a magnification of a right wing scare tactic that immigration will force "us" out......although it goes a bit further by implying its white people left out as we never find out if the asian is from calcutta or camberley.

A bunch of daily Mail readers being discovered in the back of a truck heading into the Sudan in search of better weather would be a better comparison!

Quote: James Williams @ February 28, 2008, 5:04 PM

At best I inferred that The Daily Mail's reporting is biased. Which is true. I didn't bring the readership into it.

It's impossible to seperate the reader from the paper. If people didn't like what's reported in the paper then why on earth would they even buy it unless, of course, they only bought it for the crossword. Your reply is like somebody saying "I like the Asians but I just don't care for the colour." Or at least that's how it comes across to me.

I've read similar ones, back in the 1930s when Oswald Mosely and his league of fascists, was marching through the Jewish communities in The East End. There were Jewish revolutionaries, and Communists, with serious interest in overthrowing the state. Nothing came of it, they were the minority, and like most revolutionaries they were all talk.
Every one says stupid things, and small numbers of people say very silly things. Very, very small numbers of people do silly things. The absence of terrorist attacks, and anti white racial assaults would seem to indicate, that the talk on these forums, is just that talk. On another thread I suggested bumming Hanson as a fun idea. Truly I hope the local child protection department of the police, are not about to snatch me up.

Quote: bushbaby @ February 28, 2008, 4:54 PM

They don't want to be English and hate the very thought/sight of us. They hate our decadence and chav way of living as that's how they see us all. There is no allegiance whatsoever to the country they live in anywhere other than Islam countries, their loyalty is to Allah full stop. See but you have to register to be able to see the 'current' forum. There's so much hatred on there it's unbelievable, racism isn't the strongest word I can think of for it. We are referred to as kuffirs which they know is as bad as us saying paki. All they want is for Islam to rule globally. We want them to integrate but there is nooooooooo waaaaaaaaay they do.
We are so careful not to offend not even in comedy, they laugh their socks off at us.
A mullar once said.....with your liberal laws we will overrun you then with our religion we will dominate you.
Nice eh James

In the interest of open-mindedness I registered an account here. Can't find the 'current' forum though. Any chance you could provide a link?

Quote: bushbaby @ February 28, 2008, 5:10 PM

just take a look at the sight and see the type you are so eager to defend, we're not talking the man in the street, these are intelligent posters, lawyers and the likes. But carry on in your innocence, it must be nice, that's why 'they' laugh at us, and they are so racist

I am not defending racists of any ilk and I resent your assertion that I do.

You make the mistake of lumping all cultures you don't care for and people within those cultures into a self-professed "they" monster that threatens your way of life.

No doubt the people on the website are vile. So what? Look at a white skinhead on the street, knife in hand. Is everyone like that?

"Oooh, look at this site here, , you should see the sort of crimes the average Brit gets up to every day...

I mean, it's ludicrous, it really is. We'll have to agree to disagree because there's no talking logic in a discussion like this.

Quote: Baumski @ February 28, 2008, 5:16 PM

It's impossible to seperate the reader from the paper. If people didn't like what's reported in the paper then why on earth would they even buy it unless, of course, they only bought it for the crossword. Your reply is like somebody saying "I like the Asians but I just don't care for the colour." Or at least that's how it comes across to me.

I'm not prepared to enter into a sophisticated debate about who sets the news values - whether the Daily Mail's agenda is pitched at a certain level because bigots read it, whether people are turned into bigots by believing everything they read in the Daily Mail, or how many bigots make up the Mail's readership in the first place. It's irrelevant. I suggested that if you want "proof" of these horrific immigration issues and that we're being "overrun" you'll find these statements expressed in the Daily Mail. That is a fact. It's indisputable.

Feel free to write yourself an essay on what The Mail's news agenda might imply, but don't bring me into it.

To give you an analogy, it's like me saying: "MFI do a range of desks. I was going to buy one but they're made out of cardboard,"

and you saying: "You bastard, you're calling people who shop at MFI cheapskate chavs. Sure, some people might shop there for the chairs, but there's a direct link there between the shop and the customers."

You're trying to call me a hypocrite, which I don't appreciate (at least not in this instance... everyone has biases, only some choose to try and control them), and failing.

Quote: David Bussell @ February 28, 2008, 5:19 PM

In the interest of open-mindedness I registered an account here. Can't find the 'current' forum though. Any chance you could provide a link?

I'm no good at links, it's 'Current Events' and on the forum index

And they seem no more odd ball than any Internet forum. I think judging anything beyond that site based on that site alone would be like assuming all English comedy was on a par with this forum.....and ifthat were the case i'd be hiding in a truck on may way to India ;)

Am I on the right site, any chance of a link. I went there and all i found was adverts for batteries.

But the people you are talking about, their principle aim is to shame, and isolate their own community. There's plenty of other more pacifist sites, if that what your looking for.

I'm not lumping anything together, just muslims. I joined that board two years ago, I felt really sorry for the way muslims seemed to be treated and went on there to see if something could be done, any small thing.
I asked would they think a multicultural day would be a good idea, an official one established by the government, whereby, one day a year all cultures could come together and do sort of....morris dancing for christians, eastern dances etc. Food stalls where we could find out about each others food, find out about different cultures.
I was not only laughed at, I was more or less told to bugger off (although they don't swear) they didn't need us and were quite happy in their own communities. One poster said...we do not need you lot, go away and stop bothering us on here.
This is my last post on the subject as this is hardly the place.

Quote: sootyj @ February 28, 2008, 5:33 PM

Am I on the right site, any chance of a link. I went there and all i found was adverts for batteries.

Yeah - I wanted to find a terror cell, but all I got was duracell.


Quote: bushbaby @ February 28, 2008, 5:35 PM

I'm not lumping anything together, just muslims.

1.5 billion/25% of the human race is a big old lump!

Again there's 2m in this country and you're basing you view of everything single one of them based on just small corner of the Internet.

"I'm not lumping anything together, just muslims."
That is Quote Of The Year. ;) Laughing out loud

I'm fully aware of how extremists talk, and it IS chilling and frightening. It's meant to be.

I'm not going to let any right-wing arse, whatever colour they are, make me afraid or threaten my way of life.

Or make me hate someone for the colour of their skin.*

*Of course, part of the problem is that the differences are not just skin-deep, as we are taught at primary school. A difference in skin colour is not the same as a difference in eye colour - because a difference in skin colour often denotes a difference in cultural heritage, religion, etc. So long as we understand these differences and seek to understand them, we can form a rational opinion of these ways of life and their integration into Britain. Often once-liberals scratch beneath the surface and realise people with different skin colours often ARE very different, get shocked, and become right-wing. Or a brief foray into the next street or an internet forum reveals alien prejudices (invariably held by only a minority, at least in an extreme form) that are more threatening than "own-culture" ones that have become institutionalised in your head. This is unfortunate. Cultures and religions are complex and should be understood.

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