CHANEL BROWN, a urban clothes wearing young man of about 18 has a job interview, so let's the receptionist know he has arrived.
(in that hair caught at the back of the throat voice kids do nowadays)
Marning babes, I aff an in-er-view wid some dude cull Simons or Simmons or summin' ligh dat, 'er check dis innt?
Hands over a scrunched up piece of paper.
(So in English the gist of it is that he has an interview with someone called Simmons)
I'm afraid he's a bit busy at the moment but I'll show you into his office where you can wait.
Chanel slumps down into the chair and goes through a few bored motions, such as:
Putting foot up on the desk and rocking back and forth on back legs of chair.
Gets up, does some kung fu type moves while letting out "Hi-ya-ha" type noises.
Starts rolling, then smoking spliff.
Makes a call on mobile to mate.
Yo, wassup my main man? Yeah blood, woz kicking it last night innit? Me banged 6 ecstasy tabs and met dis 'ot chick and go back to 'ers to get jiggy.
(On phone O.C.)
Okay thank you, that's just the news I was hanging on for, goodbye.
Hangs up the phone.
(to Chanel incredulously)
Sorry about that Mr Brown, so tell me, what exactly is that makes you think you would be suitable for joining the Army?
I'm hoping it comes over in the written form here that you are led to believe that Chanel was in the office alone, when actually Simmons was there all along. I think it's another case really of something that works better visually as opposed to on paper and with decent performances, looks better than it reads.
I was also undecided as to what organisation to use here and it was a choice between Army, Police or The Samaritans, but the basic joke is that he was displaying inappropriate behaviour for all three.