Thursday 2nd April 2015 11:16am [Edited]
36,464 posts
I've somehow found myself reading Tripadvisor's guide to Etiquette in the U.K and it's quite interesting/amusing!
It's written from the perspective of someone from the U.S, as they compare things to the U.S quite a bit through the article. Now I know the U.S is very multicultural but still...
"When eating in the UK, it is usual to use cutlery (fork, knife and spoon) in order to get food from plate to mouth."
"Belching, burping and breaking wind are considered rude during a meal. If you have to, try to do so quietly or make apology and leave the room. If it is heard, excuse yourself."
Also things to make you proud to be British:
"An easy way to begin a discussion with a stranger (in a pub, queue, train, etc) is to talk about the weather. All British people have an opinion on the weather..."
"When you join a queue, make sure you join it at the back and wait your turn. The British public do not take kindly to queue jumpers and will react in a number of different ways (from tutting and shaking their heads, to manhandling you out of the queue and, possibly, out of the establishment)."
"Most citizen's of the U.K have been abused by at least one 1970s radio disk jockey, if you wish to fit in more socially, a quick reference could be Sir Jimmy Saville... Yes, they do knight their paedophiles, this makes them more identifiable to potential victims."