Saturday 14th March 2015 6:58pm
suburban south London
2,870 posts
Quote: A Horseradish @ 13th March 2015, 8:53 PM GMT
Really? That sounds like one of the worst ideas some of the more simple students from the University of East Anglia might come up with on a bad day. It also explains the general "aura" of the hotel I had to stay in with the boss for the first visit. He said he liked it as it was "convenient" which it was for anyone who needed brothels.
Later, I got a tip from the foreigners that I could get a nice apartment in France for the same money so that was the direction I took. Horseradish was perceived to be swanning in each day from somewhere swish abroad but it was "up to him" if he was prepared to travel all that way. "All that way" being just 35 minutes on the bus, 20 of which was being interrogated at customs by people of indeterminate nationality, eg they were definitely Swiss.
It was far better being with the Aussies, the Scandinavians, the Japs etc and they were all there. All sworn to secrecy that they didn't let on to the British delegation I wasn't five hours away and having to commence the morning work journey at 4am. I can't recall where the Russians were but sadly they didn't speak to anyone other than each other. But it was the 1990s and more of a thawing than the ice having completely melted in the pan.
Spooky indeed - I was a mature student at UEA back in 2000; too noisy and had to leave - unfortunate. I only realised that I had Asperger Syndrome in December 2013, now I avoid such things.
Oh, overseas travel - I had a job dealing with EU Technical Directives in 2005 and 2006 and there was loads of travel involved with the post. I liked meeting the majority of my EU contemporaries, but boy, wasn't it tedious? 'Unsafe Flanges' - WTF? My flange is totally CE marked. Oh dear.
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 14th March 2015, 9:33 AM GMT
How does Penny cope with Sheldon's Asperger's?