British Comedy Guide

Iraq club

2 Turkish soldiers are crossing the stage, they bump into a bouncer.

Er are you 2 trying to invade Iraq?

Yes we are responding to Kurdish cross border raids.

What of it, are you UN, are you a Kurdish terrorist.

Nah I'm Dave, I'm a bouncer, and you can't come in, Iraqs already fully invaded, it's a health and safety issue, more than my jobs worth.

What do you mean fully invaded.

Well there's America, the UK, Al Quaeda, Islamic Jihad, private security companies. It's bloody heaving, its worse than Stringfellows on a Saturday night.

That's it we'll go home, maybe we can invade Morrocco instead.

Bouncer answers radio.

Hang about, you can go in lads. Turns out every ones gone to Afghanistan instead.

I realy like this twist on the bouncer "nightclub" routine lets face it the only differance between a nightclub on a weekend night and a war zone is geography. I am also glad you resisted the urge (If indeed you had one)to make a subplot on they can't invade because they are wearing trainers. very nice.

Thanks I just resisted, oi those tanks are casual!

Ha I like it Sooty, very good twist indeed, It can be adapter for a lot of topical sketches besides the war too.

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