I have had an online betting account for years. If you are sensible and not hooked on gambling, they are quite safe.
I don't actually bet very often - only when I think there is value to be had.
I never bet more than I can afford to lose and would never chase it.
All online betting sites are much of a sameness - they are all trying to entice you with the same things but out of them all - betfair and paddypower seem to give the better value.
Online gaming though is totally rigged. They say they are regulated but when you read the 'terms' it is mainly aimed at the compulsive gamblers to stop them getting into massive debt. The regulators have no access to the software that runs the games.
The internet is littered with examples of ex-employees of gambling sites spilling the beans - especially poker sites.
There's an old saying about gambling; If you want a guaranteed way of doubling your money - fold it in half and put it back in your wallet.