British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 92

Is that egg as in Paul Newman style?

I know he makes sauces has he branched out into free range stuff now.

When my leg hurts but I don't know why. :(

When I answer my credit card instead of my phone.
Why are they the same colour and size? I like 80s phones. Massive buggers, can't mistake that for a credit card.

LOL. What phone do you have?!

Getting a credit card made me feel all growed up. :)

It's a dark pink razr.
my credit card is new! That's why it was out all shiny and sitting next to my phone. I love brand new innocent and pure credit cards.

Haha, bless. I can just imagine that. :D

I never actually use my credit card, I must admit. Not suire of the PIN for it. So if you're trying to mug me anyone, good luck. Ha.

I don't have a credit card, I don't trust myself.

I haven't had one for a few years.
It's only 'for emergencies'...

If you're anything like my girlfriend, that means a new handbag because your slightly less new handbag won't fit in the storage space you have at work, where you're thinking of quitting before long. >_<

I may have a slightly unecessary number of bags, yes.
(I hate it when I fulfill a cliche.)

My vice is electronics like DVD players, ect.

Finally paid off my one from my student days. Now it's just the overdraft :(

Quote: zooo @ February 26, 2008, 11:39 PM

I may have a slightly unecessary number of bags, yes.
(I hate it when I fulfill a cliche.)

Huzzah! I love bags!!!! See? Laughing out loud

Quote: Leevil @ February 26, 2008, 11:40 PM

My vice is electronics like DVD players, ect.

I really have to force myself not to buy stuff like that. It's very, very tricky. A neverending struggle.

I waste it all on the DVDs to watch on them instead. I hate to think of how much I've spent.

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at large. @ February 26, 2008, 11:42 PM

Huzzah! I love bags!!!! See? Laughing out loud

Hah! The missus has a fondness for Nica stuff at the moment.

Oooh, naming bags. There's a new concept!

I have one really 1970s secretary-esque brown leather one I may have to call Doris.

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