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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,687

Eek. Don't sleep face down after drinking.

That nice Mr Cameron wants to bring fox hunting back

Warra ferkin c*nt

Fascinating read . .

I was a bit angry at the fact that the Scottish nurse with Ebola could just swan into the country without being checked.

I'm now alarmed to find that she passed the test at Heathrow and only displayed symptoms 24 hours later !

How many more have passed the test and then shown signs? How many people could they have had contact with? Where are they now?

I know the infection risk is low in its early stages but it seems the test at Heathrow are only going to be good for those at a specific point in the development of the disease.

We quarantine pets at the border, but nobody seems inclined to do so with people who are returning from Ebola-infected areas.

Quote: DaButt @ 30th December 2014, 10:09 PM GMT

We quarantine pets at the border, but nobody seems inclined to do so with people who are returning from Ebola-infected areas.

Surely you are not suggesting that the West is ludicrously authoritarian on the tiny issues and flicks its hair back nonchalantly on the bigger ones? On the plus side, Sierra Leone now has a lot more likes on Facebook.

Apparently if there are no symptoms (e.g. temperature) there's no risk of infection. *crosses fingers as she lives in my area*

Quote: keewik @ 30th December 2014, 11:20 PM GMT

Apparently if there are no symptoms (e.g. temperature) there's no risk of infection. *crosses fingers as she lives in my area*

But then they're free to wander around the country and infect people once they're contagious.

My friend/neighbor is a surgeon who moonlights at the Dallas hospital where our Ebola patients were kept. He didn't seem too worried, so I stopped wearing a hazmat suit when we drank beer together.

' Can you believe it? They've missed me off again. After all the things I've done for my country.'

'What have you ever done for your country?'

'I empty my milk cartons out before I put them out. And I recycle all my cardboard. I could have sold that for salvage but, no, my country first I thought. Well, no more. They can whistle for their salvage now. I'm going to stock meself up with free passes to Legoland and Alton Towers.'

Thing about Ebola is it's spread in areas with limited clean water for washing, crowded living conditions and kills mostly those who are fairly weak or ill already.

Basically it's a disease that kills poor people.

Part the reason it's not got much of a foothold in the wealthy West.

We'd do better worrying about colon and liver cancers, heart disease and diabetese. The diseases that kill the rich.

Did anyone watch the New Years Day concert from Vienna? (I didn't, bored with it now)

Did you always think that its history goes back to the glory days of the Strauss era?

Think again. It was started by the Nazi Party in 1939 to buy fuel for the needy under the Winterhilfswerk programme.

Quote: lofthouse @ 2nd January 2015, 9:42 PM GMT

Can you just give me a precis? I'd believe anything about the royal wankers anyway.

Basically Andrew was besties with Jacob Epstein a convicted paedophile, who aquired underage girls for himself and his friends to have sex with. He not only essentially ran a brothel but also blackmailed his clients.

A number of the girls taking part in this legal action, are now claiming Andy not only knew about it. But he also shagged them knowing they were underage.

Andy had earlier resigned from all Royal duties after recieving money from Jacob.

This is dodgy to say the least and it's an American court not a UK one asking for him to pop over and answer some questions..

Can't help wondering if he'll be able to buy them off. Da Butt - your verdict?

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