British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 91

It's just been so long! You didn't think this day would ever come *sobs*

Quote: zooo @ February 26, 2008, 6:47 PM

I went on a proper choo choo train last summer.

It was very, very, very slow.

I went on a teeeny narrowguage one. Didn't get the chance to go on a big one. :(

(Oo er indeed.)

Where was that though?

Did I ever say I've been on the one what is the Harry Potter one? Great fun. I even got to go on the footplate and have my photo taken and everything! :O

Have you seen the Duck Tours on the Thames? Genius!

The fact the HSBC's credit card paying off option doesn't work online, meaning I will have to queue up like twat for 3 hours.

F**k you HSBC!

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ February 26, 2008, 6:50 PM

Have you seen the Duck Tours on the Thames? Genius!

Yeah, have actually been on one in Amsterdam. They're brilliant. :D

Quote: Aaron @ February 26, 2008, 6:49 PM

Where was that though?

Erm... Yeovil junction to... somewhere.
It also rained, so it wasn't the joyous occasion it could have been!

I used to despise my bus trip from my apartment to the Downtown core of Ottawa. It took over half an hour to travel 3.4 km all because of the #5 bus which had a bus stop ever block!
Now I live 8.7 km from downtown and it only takes me 15 minutes, all because I have access to the transit way. Stupid Ottawa Transportation services.

I want to have a go on one, but I'm scared about the weight entailed in a car, and how on earth that can transfer to being a boat!

Quote: zooo @ February 26, 2008, 6:53 PM

Erm... Yeovil junction to... somewhere.
It also rained, so it wasn't the joyous occasion it could have been!

Ah, I don't mind the rain. (Surprise surprise.) I do rather enjoy the cosiness of being inside whilst it's all wet and 'nasty' out. :)

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ February 26, 2008, 6:53 PM

I want to have a go on one, but I'm scared about the weight entailed in a car, and how on earth that can transfer to being a boat!

Magical powers. In fact, zooo-powered!

Not that I'm implying they harness her up and she has to pull them through the streets or anything. Just ... yeah, anyway.

Rain is great! But I was dressed for sun!

Froze my bum off, I did.

Ah. Well that's not quite as fun then, no. Last time I was on a proper steam choo choo was up in Scotland a few years ago, now I think about it. It went through the station from Monarch of the Glen, which also excited me quite a lot.

Is it wrong that I get excited when the Tube trains do the proper choo choo whistle sound? :/

(Ooo, look at my postcount! Go me!)

Unlucky for some!

I love it when the thing comes up on the sign saying 'train delayed due to body on the line'.
(well, I don't love it but you know what I mean.)
It's just so flipping blunt. :O

LOL. I've never seen that, I must admit. It's always "... delays due to a fatality at ...", and even then only announced, never on a screen of any kind!

True story this - until a couple of months ago, the ONLY time I had ever seen the guy who works at my local station smiling was the morning some guy jumped in front of a train and creamed himself.

I think he may actually be a vampire or summink.

Crikey! Maybe he pushed him.

(I've seen that announcement 4 times!)

Stroppy prima donna actresses... aargh!

All she's got to do is eat a friggin' egg.

Deep breaths.

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