Lance Gringo
Tuesday 16th December 2014 8:16pm
30 posts
Quote: DanShentonLives @ 14th December 2014, 11:48 PM GMT
I lived in Levenshume for a while, luckily I got out alive. I'm a Blackpool lad (don't judge me!) but live in Suffolk now. Whereabouts in Manc you from?
I'm from Wythenshawe, which is a bit like Levenshulme - but with more stabbings.
What's Suffolk like?
Quote: Will Cam @ 15th December 2014, 9:03 AM GMT
Checks wallet 
You're thinking of Liverpudlians 
Quote: Patrick Parkinson @ 16th December 2014, 8:03 PM GMT
I'm a manc, hoping to get a job in the nearby new BBC studios set up in Salford. but no luck so far. are you a comedy writer or stand up?
Wow, good stuff! what's your background? you confident you can get a job there then? doing what?
I'm trying to be a comedy writer, but Manchester has very limited opportunities for those at the moment. I'm working on a sitcom with a mate, but it's advancing slowly as we're both busy with over every day lives (desk jobs, wives, kids, blah, blah)
I would love to give stand up a go actually, but I'm not interested in pursuing it as a 'thing' - just to be able to get up and do 5 minutes somewhere would be a thrill.
What would be great, and why I sort of joined this forum in a way is, I would like to meet several Manchester based people to collaborate with, maybe all get together, write, perform and see what we can do. It would be good to meet some people with mutual interests comedy-wise, that are also passionate about producing something, or performing something.