Hello -
I've been writing scripts for the last couple of years or so - come close to a bit of success once or twice, but not quite yet. I don't just write sitcoms, so I hope you'll forgive me for also writing drama...
Hello -
I've been writing scripts for the last couple of years or so - come close to a bit of success once or twice, but not quite yet. I don't just write sitcoms, so I hope you'll forgive me for also writing drama...
We only like comudrama here...
Welcome to the show!
Hello and welcome!
How do.
Hi-de-hi and welcome etc
¡Hola! Greetings and all that stuff ... have fun!
Quote: Ironhide @ February 26, 2008, 4:57 PMso I hope you'll forgive me for also writing drama...
Get out!
No, only kidding. We like a bit of drama on these forums. God knows we get enough, eh Aaron?
Hello *waves*
Quote: ContainsNuts @ February 26, 2008, 5:21 PMWe like a bit of drama on these forums. God knows we get enough, eh Aaron?
We don't need Drama... Unless you need to know that Aaron is my much less sexier twin brother! DUM DUM DUM!
Welcome as you can see I have a 1980s mexican view on drama as a whole.
Hello there, Iron. I hope you won't be 'hiding' from us in this forum...ha...ha...ha...no? OK.
How dare you !!!
I do too actually Ironhide - welcome.
Hello, Ironhide. Good strong username. Almost intimidating. Well done.
Transformers Fans
Watched the movie again today when I should have been working. Still can't decide whats better; the CGI or Megan Fox
Oh Welcome by the way