Sunday 7th December 2014 12:22am
69,767 posts
Quote: keewik @ 6th December 2014, 8:36 PM GMT
Have won the Battle of the Christmas Tree for another year. Mr K decided he's too old to cart a real tree home in the car. Yesterday we plodded round John Lewis where I genuinely turned up my nose at every false tree in sight. Today we have a tree from Morrison's. Don't mess with me, you false tree lovers.
P.S. should have said - false trees piss me off.
We have a fake tree now! It's a very nice looking one though.
We always used to have real ones but I suddenly started getting massive guilt trips about killing a tree every year. I hate the bit after Christmas when it's all sad and brown and has to be thrown away.
Quote: TheBlueNun @ 6th December 2014, 10:28 PM GMT
Tubbs and Edward's quest.
Quote: Oldrocker @ 6th December 2014, 8:49 PM GMT
FRANKIE !!!!!!!
Aljaz and Pasha more like.