Wednesday 3rd December 2014 8:50pm [Edited]
9,136 posts
Quote: Steve D @ 3rd December 2014, 8:40 PM GMT
It's not a reflection of their shortcomings, as I've never met any agents. It's the illogic of it. The desire to make money isn't exclusive to the agent, it is a mutual motive so, work together and make it happen. Deciding at the very start that they can't make money is a cop-out. Persevere, together. Any success achieved will be all the sweeter, for both parties.
Look, they can only work with a set number of people, if they're going to commit a reasonable amount of time to each client.
So they can't afford to take a punt on someone with no observable means of earning an income.
And why should they?
They have to put time in - for which they don't charge, and only get paid if you do - and they need nine clients earning to make the same as one writer.
They are not there to nurture talent.
We have to do that for ourselves.
Quote: Steve D @ 3rd December 2014, 8:40 PM GMT
I don't know any producers names so, it was sent to their general address, about 3 weeks ago. No reply. A rejection is a reply so, it hasn't been rejected, yet.
Then it'll probably be read by an office junior.
Get a name next time.
I put 'Radio 6Music producers' into Google.
Paul Rodgers, Head of Programmes, BBC 6 Music
Robert Gallacher, Commissioning Editor, BBC 6 Music
Julian Grundy, Manager, Commissions & Schedules, BBC 6 Music