Hey, you...!!!

This is not a thread about Jonesey's catchphrases, we all know them, but about specific funny moments in which he's starring in. Of course they can include one of his many legendary catchphrases.
Two of my favourite scenes:
Obviously the one in my signature, a scene from the episode "If the cap fits...":
After being heavily criticised by Frazer for wasting everybody's time with useless lectures Mainwaring talks to the platoon:
Mainwaring: "I get the impression that there is in the ranks a certain dissatisfaction with my methods of command."
Jones: "Permission to speak! I'd like to make a statement, Sir! I see it this way: an officer is an officer, a sergeant is a sergeant, a lance corporal is a lance corporal and a private is a private."
Mainwaring: "Yes?"
Jones: "No, that's all there is, Sir..."
Mainwaring: "What's that got to do with it?"
Jones: "It hasn't got anything to do with it, Sir, but I just thought I ought to say it, Sir."
I also like the moment in "The Day The Balloon Went Up" where someone has scribbled a rude word on the vicar's harmonium. Mainwaring is forced to enquire in this matter. He asks Jones: "Have you done that?" while pointing at the rude word (we never get to see but is of course of a sexual nature). A visibly embarrassed Jones replies "You mean recently?"
There are so many more...too many to remember them all at once. I'd like to know about your favourite Jones moments. Share them with me...or I'll give you the old cold steel!