Brilliant stuff. Double punchline and all.
Brilliant stuff. Double punchline and all.
Some really good stuff this week. I vote Hart - it's the sort fo eleborate unjoke my friend Alastair comes up with, and really enjoyable. Itw as the bit with the sausages that swung it for me.
I vote Hart as well
Thanks a lot
My vote goes to Gappy
I'd go with Gappy.
Hart too.
Harts was excellently written and was interesting but I didnt find it overly funny. Darren Hoskins was nice but I think CRAIG H has the nicest ending so I'll go with him.
I liked Hart n Otterfox, but thought they were interesting rather than funny, which left Gappy n Craig H of the others, Gappy's had nice touches as ever, but think I 'd go with Craig's as nicely quirky, but looking forward to more laffs from all next time.... (I would've voted for myself, but guess that's not done).
Vote goes to Craig H, sucked me in with emotional investment in the beginning and then great dialogue and ending.
Special mention goes to Hart for a very entertaining read.