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Scrotal Recall Page 8

I agree the title is off putting but my point is the post insinuates that Scrotal Recall is something that it isn't (Vulgar, lowest common denominator comedy). Surely it is wrong and unfair to categorise it under that umbrella of comedy based solely on the title? There's a hell of a lot of writing and hard work went into that sitcom to think someone can completely disregard it based on the title is quite ridiculous.

Well, in a way, but our point is give us a less off putting title and we may well have watched. You can't blame some for thinking the show would be vulgar with a vulgar title. The viewer's not at fault for that.

Quote: Basil Rathbon @ 14th November 2014, 12:33 PM GMT

I agree that the title put me off watching it. I took one look at the title and synopsis and thought "There's no way I'm watching a programme about some chav giving loads of tarty women STIs".

Have to say I too thought exactly this. If it isn't this at all then the title wasn't the right one.

Hi everyone and Tom in particular

I finished watching episode 6 tonight, and then did a quick Google to see if series 2 was happening. I read the, clicked on the forum, and found this.

I really really enjoyed this series, and many congratulations for writing it. It was a beautiful series, with the characters and plot really coming through as time went on. Episode 1 was a bit slapstick, but then the plot really came to the top. I would love another series as I want to know what happens next - but also slightly concerned it would spoil it. Which is a very good sign indeed.

The title does not do it justice, and presents it as something it is not. I watch it on my tablet on the train whilst commuting, and it almost seems embarrassing if someone else saw it. It also means reviews etc. are somewhat one dimensional. It reminds me of Him and Her in that respect, because it has much more depth than you would imagine from the way it is presented, and that is a shame. You can see it in some of the comments here as well.

Fingers crossed for series two and more from the wonderful set of characters that you have created.

This was, quite frankly, the best UK sitcom I've seen this year. The characterisation was spot on, pretty much all of them likeable (maybe not Angus's wife) but very well-drawn and all funny. I very much like the non-linear narrative. It basically felt like a film to me over the course of the series, which I think is a good thing.

All the cast were great though especially Hannah Britland, who pitches perfectly, and Daniel Ings, who I would cast in *anything* frankly. Quite how he finds time to act around banging in the goals for Burnley, I'll never know...

Great job everyone!

Quote: Mike Philbin @ 4th November 2014, 10:46 AM GMT

A Complete History of My Sexual Failures
Independent filmmaker Chris Waitt attempts to interview his ex-girlfriends to find out why they dumped him. This revealing and humourous documentary sees the slacker filmmaker go on a sexual and emotional odyssey in a desperate quest to solve his innumerable problems.

The line 'I think I may have lost focus' is still one of the all-time funniest bits of any film ever.


Fresh and smart: congratulations to Tom and the cast.

Looking forward to the Scottish reboot: Ballbag Callback.

More praise! lovely stuff.

Have you watched yet Alfred / Basil ????? :P

Quote: Craig H @ 21st November 2014, 10:18 AM GMT

More praise! lovely stuff.

Have you watched yet Alfred / Basil ????? :P

No and nor do I intend to. Call me old fashioned but I like my comedy to be a bit more sophisticated than a third rate Inbetweeners/Mrs Brown's Boys chavfest where the laughs stem from the main character saying "f**k" repeatedly or getting his cock out.

Quote: Basil Rathbon @ 21st November 2014, 2:52 PM GMT

No and nor do I intend to. Call me old fashioned but I like my comedy to be a bit more sophisticated than a third rate Inbetweeners/Mrs Brown's Boys chavfest where the laughs stem from the main character saying "f**k" repeatedly or getting his cock out.

If you had cared to read my previous comments then you would have surely realised that this excellent sitcom is anything and everything but what you insinuated in your "description".

As all of my previous comments have went smoothly over your head I'll make it very clear in hope that you will actually give this excellent sitcom a chance.

- The majority of us agree that the title is terrible. Although I wouldn't say misleading because it actually makes sense once you begin to watch it
- It is in no way shape, form, character, storyline, plot the same as The Inbetweeners or Mrs. Brown's Boys.
- There is not a chav in sight.
- There is very little use of the word "f**k" and nobody actually gets their cock out
- It is better written and more sophisticated than any sitcom I've seen in the last few years

You're old fashioned.

Thanks for the support, all. And that's an effortlessly superior title, Marissa.

Hope to meet some of you in person at the Big Comedy Conference this coming Saturday.

I'm disappointed I can't make the conference and that was before I knew you were showing your face Tom. Should be a great day.

Any news regarding a second series as yet?

Don't normally bother with stuff like this, but seeing as the author is here, t'would be rude not to.

Firstly, massive mistake with the title, I like puerile humour, but the title and the description give totally the wrong impression. I recorded it just on the off chance that I would run out of things to watch. (I work in America at the moment and their TV is practically unwatchable due to the adverts.
I have pretty much run out, so I thought I give SR a whirl.
It's excellent, good script (Ok there are few unlikely bits) but funny as hell, great cast, good story, and a great shame that not half enough people will watch it due to the title.
You need to relaunch it with a different name, sell it to BBC4 or something :D

On another level, I love the comments from the idiots who are criticising it without having seen it. Obviously run out of windows to lick.

Hope you get another series, I shall be making my wife watch it when I get home, as she was one of the many viewers completely put off by the title.


Hey everyone; can anyone help me out with the song list for episode six? I binged the show today & I can't figure out some the music. There's no list on the internet where I've tried to look. It's the music around the 19:00 mark of the episode.

Email me if you don't mind:

By the way, this show kicks major ass. Love the title, love the cast, Antonia Thomas represent; but the ladies are hilarious across the board. Thanks Tom for the hilarious writing & the cast delivered everything exceptionally. Evie, Angus, Luke, Phoebe, Ilona & Bethany...

There had been a list, because I looked up a song at the time. Turned out to be something by Alt J.

Ok, I was one of the people who saw the title to this and gave it a miss.

Having read much of this thread one gets the impression that many think the title was a mistake.

So, trying to be fair, I just watched the first episode to get an idea of things.

To be honest, I think the title is actually quite apt.
I feel confirmed in my view that this is not for me.
Most likely you will find that, with a pseudonym like mine, this doesn't come as a great surprise to you.

If one would have to point to the target audience of this sitcom, who would it be?
I would say it aims for people who liked 'The Inbetweeners'.
But I'd be quite interested in your view, Tom.

Now first off, this is lightyears ahead of 'The Inbetweeners'. But that is faint praise, given my opinion of said show.
This generally has a more mature and competently put together feel. The dialogue is less puerile.
The introduction of the lead characters and the show's concept are very well handled. Perhaps the third lead, i.e. the girl, is still a bit of an unknown after the first episode, but the two guys are very well established and you feel you know what they are about.
Especially the vulnerability of the lead character who's freshly dumped at this wedding, is well brought to the fore.

But with lines like
'Wall to wall snatch out there.'
'Did he suck you off?'
'Your friend is all about the pussy.'
it's fair to say that you're not really aiming for the Downton Abbey crowd.

Any delicate notions an audience might feel toward the poor guy's broken heart get somewhat clobbered by the above.

We even get a couple found shagging, complete with naked male rear in view.
And at the departure of the married couple the almost obligatory vomit shot.

The preview then promises:
'and now she's coming to motherf***ng dinner!'
'...paying me to take a shit.'

So, is it something to watch with your mum?
Most likely not.

That is why I think the folks at Channel4 went for that title among the various ones proposed.
It seems to fit the tone of the show.

The title also suggests a tendency toward comic shock value. Or should we call it the comedy of outspokenness?

Clearly at the moment this kind of fare has an audience. The likes of 'The Inbetweeners', 'Plebs' and other shows seem firmly aimed at that. This a somewhat more grown up version of it, but the same core comedy nonetheless, I think.

Personally, I don't much subscribe to this kind of comedy, as I feel that the shock value of language and sex isn't really that shocking these days. The Pythons once may have raised merry hell, just by saying 'f**k'. But I think that those conflicts are well and truly over. Language in itself doesn't really test boundaries anymore. Nor does shagging.
Therefore there is the risk of just appearing boorish, as 'The Inbetweeners' manages to do every time.

Now, if you think I'm talking complete tosh, then I'll be happy to hear your opinion, Tom.
Especially regarding at whom you are targeting this sitcom.

I just thought I'd watch the first helping and supply my two pence worth and explain what I thought and why.

Please do not for a moment think I don't appreciate how much work goes into something like this.
Getting any six parter onto the box is a great achievement in itself and I know that there will have been many a session into the wee hours to get this done.

Alas, it just isn't for me.

I've always said that I'm a never judge books by covers kind of guy until I watched 'Scrotal Recall'. I remember when the adverts first came on the TV and I immediately disregarded it as another addition the other dick joke ridden, painfully unfunny, and just cheap comedies that have been of TV as of late. As you can tell I probably gave it a miss until today, that is. After hearing that Johnny Flynn had written the theme for 'Detectorists' (another great show that I recommend) I had a look on Wikipedia to see what other shows he might had written for. I found out, to my surprise, that he had also done a bit of acting and one of the shows he was on was this. Interested to see how good he was at acting, I decided to give an episode of 'Scrotal Recall' a go. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it and ended up binging the entire first series on Netflix. I really liked the use of the STI as a way to explore the threesomes relationship/s out of chronological order and also the individual characters themselves. If he reads this, I would also like to apologise to Tom Edge for letting something so trivial as a title stop me from watching his work. The writing speaks for itself. Hopefully this one comes back for another season. Thanks, man.

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